Title: Product Specification: LC12 High-Bright Monitor
Page 12 of 24
Document Number: 023-0284-01
Revision: A
physically connected to Signal Ground Reference (Pin 10) as defined by the
wiring definitions of Table 2.
Signal Quality
TTL Sync Pulse Signal Levels
Input levels for the horizontal and vertical sync pulses are defined in Figure 8.
Rise and Fall Times
Rise and fall times are the times required for signal transitions between 10% of Vs
above Low Steady Level and 10% of Vs below High Steady Level where Vs is the
peak-to-peak video input signal level. The overshoot, if present, shall be exempted
from establishing these high/low levels referenced in. Both rise and fall times of each
input signal shall be as follows:
Less than 5-ns
Horizontal Sync:
Less than 50-ns
Vertical Sync:
Less than 100-ns
Timing and Frequency
Video, Horizontal And Vertical Sync
Figure 6 illustrate video timing relationships the Monitor operates within when the
specified video mode (per Table 3) is applied.
Front Porch defines the time from end of active video data to the start of Horiz/Vert
Sync Pulse.
Back Porch defines the time from end of Horiz/Vert Sync Pulse to the start of active
video data.
Blanking is the total time comprising Front Porch, Back Porch and Sync Pulse time(s).
The horizontal sync circuitry synchronizes to horizontal frequencies of 31.468 KHz
±0.5 KHz, 48.077KHz ±0.5KHz, and 56.476KHz ±0.5KHz. Horizontal sync pulse width
variation is 1.813-µsec to 3.813-µsec. The Monitor will "sync" to the specified format
vertical frequencies between 60Hz?72Hz without adjustment.
Absence of Horizontal and/or Vertical Sync will not damage the Monitor nor violate
EMI radiation limits specified herein.