Auto-Installation | 33
Installation options
Choose one of the four options to install or uninstall a display.
• Run setup.exe with no switches, or double-click the setup.exe icon.
Normal installation that requires user interaction.
• Run fastinst.bat. Silent installation that enables all displays and
rearranges the monitors on the Windows desktop so that any
attached third-party monitor appears to the left of the Dome CX or
Dome EX displays. All monitors are arranged with top alignment.
The Dome DX display driver configures the Dome CX or Dome EX
display with these default settings: 8-bit mode, static gray palette,
DirectDraw enabled, and AutoOrientation (enabled only on
Dome EX displays).
• Run uninst.bat. Silent uninstallation that automatically removes
the DX display driver without user interaction.
• Run the user-provided installation batch file to invoke setup.exe
with a list of switches. The list on
page 34
includes all of the
supported switches.