Banty Roaster User Guide 59755 V0210
Cooking with the Banty Roaster
Preparation for Use
Wipe dust and fingerprints from the mirrored surface with a small amount of
glass cleaner and a soft cloth.
What to Cook
Banty Roaster is designed to cook one cocktail sausage wrapped in foil.
Although more than one will fit in the tube, we do not recommend that you
try this as steam buildup will cause the additional sausages to be expelled.
Items Needed (not included)
• Cocktail sausages
• Wooden dowel, 3/8" or 1/2" diameter
• Aluminum foil
• Oven mitts
Cooking Instructions*
1. Roll a cocktail sausage in a 3” x 3” piece of foil and twist the ends closed.
2. Slide the foil-wrapped sausage into the cooking tube. Use the wooden
dowel to push the sausage to the center of the tube. Place the cooking
tube on the tube holders and take the Banty Roaster outside.
3. Position the Roaster so it faces the Sun. Adjust the angle of the Roaster so
the sunlight shines through the big hole in the forward solar angle gauge
and is projected onto the smaller hole in the rear gauge. This ensures the
cooker is positioned to optimize the Sun’s heat energy. As the Sun moves,
the angle may need to be adjusted.
Caution: The cooking tube will become very hot during the cooking
process. Do not touch it with bare hands.
4. After five to seven minutes, put on the oven mitts and remove the
sausage by pushing it out of the tube with the wooden dowel. Unwrap
and enjoy!
Always use safe food-preparation and food-handling practices.