Banty Roaster User Guide 59755 V0210
Construct the Mirror Frame
1. Begin heating the glue gun.
2. Locate the cradles, end caps,
and silver styrene mirror.
3. Peel the protective plastic off
the styrene mirror.
4. Place the cradles together.
Note the slight variance in the
shape of the U-curve in the
center of each cradle. Make
sure these curves are oriented
the same direction when
putting the frame together.
5. Slip the edges of the styrene
sheet, mirror side up, into the
slots along the sides of the
cradles (Figure 3).
6. Slip end caps onto the tabs
at the top and bottom of the
cradles (Figure 4).
7. Slide the mirror material
through the slots in the end
caps (Figure 5).
Figure 3 – Slip the mirror into the slots in the cradles.
Figure 4 – Attach end caps.
Figure 5 – Slide mirror material through the slots in the end caps.