8. The display now shows:
You may now enter (or change) an alternate number, just as you
entered the regular number. This number, too, can be up to 40
characters long. During a transmission or
operation (see pages
138-144), your fax machine will try to reach this alternate number
only after failing with all redials (see pages 59-62) to the regular
number. If all tries to the alternate number also fail, the fax will
sound a beeping alarm tone.
If you
do not
wish to enter or change an alternate number, skip to
step 9.
If you
wish to enter or change an alternate number, do so by using
the numeric keypad the same way you did in step 6.
9. Press
10. The display now shows:
The machine now is prompting you for a name — a Location ID,
remember? — so you’ll be able to find it easily in the EasyDial
directory (see page 109).
If you
do not
wish to enter or change this number’s Location ID, skip
to step 12.
If you
wish to enter or change this number’s Location ID, proceed
to step 11.
005:Alt. No.
005:Alt. No.
Enter Speed-Dial No.
005:No Number Stored
Enter Speed-Dial No.