Dedalus autopilot– user's manual
Reverses and alignment of servos
Adjusting RC apparatus for controlling a particular model means setting
correctly reverses and mixers so that the control stick movement causes
correct control surface deflection. In the same way it is necessary to set the
autopilot up for a specific model to ensure proper control of autonomous
model flight.
: Model configuration can be done using FPV_manager.exe application
on PC or with keyboard and display. Simplest way of configuration is to run
menu command
Settings->Easy Setup.
The first step is to select the type of model tail.
When one stick is attached to two servos and two control surfaces (delta, V-
tail, flaperons), we can choose between two options of servos concurrency,
) and (
), depending on whether for the proper control the
opposite – or non-opposite movement of servos is required.
: Mixing for the selected tail type should be always turned on in your
radio. Autopilot will demix the inputs itself to get raw stick position needed
for stabilisation, then mix it back for servos.
In the second step set correct value of reverse for every control surface in the
Check the proper servo alignment and reverse mode can be done after
turning on the STAB mode, observing the behavior of the control surfaces to
the movements of the model. When alignment and reverse mode are
positioned properly, the control surfaces must deflect in the direction needed
to return model to level flight.
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