Dedalus autopilot– user's manual
What you find in the box?
A complete kit of Dedalus autopilot consist of following components:
Main autopilot unit,
GPS-GLONASS receiver (GNSS) with external magnetometer,
Operator's panel with OLED display and keyboard,
Set of connection cables.
Figure 1 Dedalus Autopilot kit
The operator's panel can be connected and disconnected at any moment of
autopilot work. Using it is not necessary, but it is useful to check GPS status
and readiness to work. It also shows flight statistics and allows adjusting
parameters in the field, without connecting to PC application.
Electrical connection
Electrical connection to GNSS module and to operator's panel is done using
special polarized connectors, ensuring proper connection. Attention should
be paid to polarization tabs on plug and socket when connecting these
devices, particular attention to the 4-pin operator's panel connector.
Autopilot can be connected to a remote control receiver in two ways,
depending on the characteristics of the receiver and the autopilot settings:
Parallel connection where every channel is connected with separate
Serial connection (CPPM or SBus) where all channels are connected
using one wire.
: Improper connection of power or external devices may cause damages
that are not subject to warranty.
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