8. Care and Maintenance
This wireless alarm system has an excellent design and uses advanced
sensitive electronics that require care and dust-free environment. The
following suggestions are required to maintain your obligations under
the warranty terms, and for prolonging the service life of the system:
Place the main unit panel and all accessories out of children reach.
Keep the alarm system dry. rain, humidity and various fluids or
moisture all will corrupt the electronic circuitry.
Do not use or place the alarm system in dirty locations, otherwise
the electronic elements will be damaged.
Do no place the system in excessively hot locations. High
temperature will shorten the service life of electronic equipment,
damage batteries, deform or even melt some plastic parts.
Do not place the system in excessively cold locations. Otherwise
condensation many occur and damage the circuit board of the
alarm system.
It is recommended that you check and test the alarm system
Check the main unit panel every three months:
Whether it can arm/disarm normally;
Whether it can dial the number for alarm normally;
Whether it can receive wireless signals from detectors
Whether the back-up battery is self-recharging normally.