Sinus 912 LSA Glider 550 MTOW
REV. 3
Description of Aircraft & Systems
Engine lubrication system
Rotax 912
is a four-stroke engine, equipped with a dry sump and lubricated centrally with use of its
own oil pump. All the oil needed is located inside an outer canister. When the engine is running, the
oil cools itself passing through a radiator, located on the left-hand side of the bottom engine cover.
Oil quantity can be checked visually with a oil level bar. Make sure the oil quantity is sufficient limits
at all times.
Oil temperature, pressure and quality is strictly defined an must not, under any cir-
cumstances, vary from its safe values.
Schematic of engine lubrication system
Wheel brake system
Wheel brake system features separate braking action for each of the main landing gear. Wheel
brakes are drum or disc, wire driven (old type) or hydraulic type (new type).
Wheel brake levers are operated by pressing the levers mounted on top of the rudder pedals.
Hydraulic brake fluid used for hydraulic type brakes is DOT 3 or DOT 4.
Aircraft equipped with the Beringer high-performance brakes feature also a parking brake.