Sinus 912 LSA Glider 550 MTOW
REV. 3
Propeller types:
propeller Pipistrel
F2-80 (for Rotax 912 UL 80 HP):
twin blade, ground adjustable or Vario composite propeller
- diameter 63’’ / 1620 mm
Depending on the configuration, the propeller may be ground adjustable or featherable. In the lat-
ter case the propeller can be feathered when the engine is not running. No specific limitations apply,
apart from checking the propeller pitch travel during the preflight inspection. Do not attempt to re-
start the engine in flight above 50 kts.
Fuel system
vented wing fuel tanks with refuelling cap on top of the wings
fuel selector valves:
separated, one for each fuel tank
filter equipped with drain valve
fuel capacity std. tanks:
7.25 + 7.25 US gal (30+30 L)
fuel capacity lng. range:
13 + 13 US gal (50 + 50 L)
unusable fuel (per reservoir):
0.75 US gal (3 L)
fuel filter:
inside the gascolator
All fuel hoses are protected with certified glass-teflon covers. Sinus 912 LSA’s fuel system features
fuel return circuit. The fuel connectors from fuselage to the wing tanks can be either fixed or click-on
fast type.
Schematic of fuel system (fuel return circuit)
Description of Aircraft & Systems