Real-Time Interval Intensity – Pioneer Exclusive!
Data Field - Power Training / Data Type – Real-Time Interval Intensity
• Interval Intensity is a percentage based on a riders average power over time divided by the riders historical MMP for the same
duration of time.
• Ex: For a rider with a 30 minutes MMP Power Value of 250W, a 200W average for 30 minutes would be 80% of that riders
• Provides a real-time Interval Intensity percentage of a riders MMP for continuous intervals of time, from start of ride to end.
• Based on riders 3 month MMP Chart from Cyclo-Sphere
• Holding a continuous 70% – 80% Interval Intensity is a good recommended range for most riders wishing to maximize their ride
• Automatically uploads and benchmarks new MMP records over 100%
• Requires Firmware ver. 20160706
10 Min
3 month 10 Min. MMP = 260W
75% of 10 min MMP = 195W