First commissioning
Operating Manual PSEN sc M 3/5 series
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It must not be possible to operate the pushbutton for manual restart from inside the
danger zone. The pushbutton must be located at a position from which there is a full, un-
obstructed view of the danger zone.
Response time and stopping time must fulfil the requirements in
distance [
Ensure that the safety laser scanner's response time and the machine's stopping time ful-
fil the requirements Maintaining the safety distance.
Intense or flashing light sources in the vicinity
The allowance Z
for particularly intense or flashing light sources near the safety laser
scanner (range of +/- 5° to the scan level or highly reflective background within a distance
of 2.5 m to the safety zone perimeter) has been considered when calculating the safety
distance (see
Distance to intense light sources [
Ambient conditions
Check the safety laser scanner’s front panel.
– Scratched front panel: Change the safety laser scanner.
Create backup copy of a configuration
After successfully checking the installation and configuration of the safety laser scanner,
create a backup copy of the configuration.
Select Project -> Save.
The dialogue box for saving is opened. Please enter a name for the MIB file.
The MIB file includes all the data for configuration.