PSEN op4F-SL Series
Operating Manual PSEN op4F-SL Series
Attach safety light grids using L-brackets
Detailed view of the L-bracket, non-connection end
[1] Vertical section of L-bracket
[2] Horizontal section of L-bracket
[3] M3 screw to attach the horizontal section of the L-bracket to the vertical section
[4] M4 screw to attach the vertical section of the C-bracket
[5] Slotted hole washers
1. Make two drill holes [1] in the mounting surface per L-bracket, at a distance corres-
ponding to the length of the safety light grid [2].
2. Attach the vertical section of both L-brackets [3]. Tighten the M4 screws to 1,2 Nm.
3. Attach the horizontal section of the L-bracket at the non-connection end to the M3
screws on the vertical section [4].
4. Clamp the transmitter/receiver into the L-Bracket at the non-connection end. [5]
5. Attach the vertical section of the L-bracket at the connection end using the M3 screws
6. Tighten the M3 screws on the vertical sections of both L-brackets to 1,2 Nm.