Function description
Operating Manual PCOM sec br2
| 17
The VPN connection can be controlled via a digital input.
The VPN connection can be signalled via an LED.
Input and output
The SecurityBridge provides a digital input and a digital output. These can be used for vari-
ous functions, as required.
The following functions can be configured on the user interface:
Functions digital input:
Access to the SecurityBridge via a VPN connection is controlled via the digital input.
New VPN connections can only be created when there is a 1-signal at the input or, in
the case of an inverted input, a 0-signal. The connection is broken as soon as the
configured signal is no longer present at the input.
Setup mode can be activated via the digital input. Setup mode is active when there is
a 1-signal at the input or, in the case of an inverted input, a 0-signal.
Functions digital output
A VPN connection is signalled via the digital output. If there is a 1-signal at the output,
then there is at least one VPN Client connected. If there is a 0-signal at the output,
then no VPN Client is connected.
Bypass mode is signalled via the digital output. If there is a 1-signal at the output,
then bypass mode is activated. If there is a 0-signal at the output, then bypass mode
is not activated.
A change to the check sum is signalled via the digital output. If there is a 1-signal at
the output, then at least one project check sum no longer matches the configured
check sum. If there is a 0-signal at the output, then no check sum has changed.
Please note that in the menu Security functions the option
Check sum monitoring
must be configured.
Device monitoring is signalled via the digital output. If there is a 1-signal at the output,
then at least one device that has been configured for monitoring is no longer access-
ible. If there is a 0-signal at the output, then all devices are accessible.
Please note that in the menu Security functions the option
Device monitoring
be configured.
Setup mode is signalled via the digital output. If there is a 1-signal at the output, then
setup mode is activated. If there is a 0-signal at the output, then setup mode is not ac-