phyBOARD-Regor AM335x [PB-01802-xxx]
PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH 2018 L-823e_2
The phyBOARD-Regor features an external RTC (RV-4162-C7) as a replacement for the
normally mounted RTC on the phyCORE-AM335x module. It is used for real-time or time-
driven applications.
Please note that if the RTC’s interrupt is needed, pin 37 (X_INTR1_GPIO0_20)
and pin 40 (X_INT_RTCn) at expansion connector X6 need to be shortcut (
The phyBOARD-Regor is equipped with a Gold Capacitor (C339 placed next to connector X6)
which is also intended to back up the external RTC (