We recommend that HIVAMAT
200, no matter if with or without the applicator, is only applied by quali-
fied physiotherapists or under direction of those.
Refrain from HIVAMAT
200 treatment if the therapist or patient carry cardiac pacemakers or
other implanted stimulators. Equally, therapy must not be per-formed on patients or by ther-
apists who are particularly sensitive to electric fields, in case of heart complaints or pregnancy.
Attend to the contraindications to HIVAMAT
200 therapy (refer to
page 3)!
When using HIVAMAT
200, switch off or plug off electrocardiographs and other diagnostic
devices for recording endogenous signals.
1.5 Application
The function of HIVAMAT
200 is based on a pulsed electrostatic field which is built up in the patient's
body region to be treated. Its frequency changes between 5 - 250 Hz, according to the selected indication.
Due to the movement of the applicator, a vibrating or pumping effect with deep impact is induced in the
patient's tissue.
Treatment with HIVAMAT
200 has the following positive effects on the treated tissue:
trophic enhancement
muscle relaxation
pain reduction
edema reduction
inhibition of inflammations
enhancement of wound healing
1.6 Contraindications
Therapy with HIVAMAT
200 is not indicated in the following cases:
acute inflammations with participation of pathogenic agents
infectious skin diseases
acute venous diseases (varicophlebitis, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thromboses)
malignant processes
patients and therapists with cardiac pacemakers and other electronic implants
heart disorders and diseases, especially cardiac insufficiency, decompensated cardiac edema
cardiac arrhythmia
hypersensitivity to electrostatic fields
1 Introduction