User Manual
Tool Catcher
OPS-4428 Rev A
6 Testing
All testing is to be carried out in the designated test area and by suitably
qualified and competent personnel.
WARNING: Trapped air requires considerable time to compress and
when it is compressed is highly dangerous. It has enough stored
energy to separate parts with considerable force.
Fit appropriate test cap and blanks
Fill with testing fluid bleeding off any air within the system
Apply a pressure of 500 psi and ensure pressure holds for a minimum
of 10 minutes
Increase pressure to 15,000 psi (Maximum Working Pressure), allow to
stabilise, and maintain this pressure until it is evident there are no
apparent leaks. (Testing to be carried out to Test pressure when
decreed by maintenance schedule)
Bleed off pressure, drain test fluid and dry
Remove test caps
Apply coating of de-watering solution to protect the bore and threads
Fit thread protectors
On completion of all maintenance ensure the maintenance record sheet (Para
5.4) is completed