User Manual
Tool Catcher
OPS-4428 Rev A
Apply pressure to the tool catcher to open the fingers
Slowly lower the tool string to make sure that the fingers have fully
retracted and have cleared the tool string
Bleed off the pressure to set the catcher ready to catch again.
4.5 Pre Job
Ensure thread protectors are fitted
Check maintenance record sheet and ensure the equipment has been
maintained by competent personnel
Check all certification is in date
Confirm information band is fitted and correct
Ensure equipment is suitable for the maximum working pressures and
services involved
Ensure ‘Spring Seal is seated correctly and there are no signs of
Ensure threads are clean
Inspect for signs of damage
Pressure test to maximum working pressure
Ensure all connections are tight
Ensure that spare o-rings are available and sent with the equipment.
Ensure set up for correct length tool fishing neck
4.6 During Job
Avoid excessive movement
Ensure that the pressure to the hydraulic port is bled off when ready to
4.7 Post Job
Inspect for signs of damage and report any findings
Ensure threads are cleaned and the re-greased
Ensure thread protectors are fitted