User Manual
Turnaround Sheave
OPS-3108 Rev E
4 Operation
All operations to be carried out by suitably qualified and competent
4.1 Pre Job
Confirm identification information plate is fitted and correct
Check maintenance record sheet and ensure the equipment has been
maintained by competent personnel
Check all certification is in date
Ensure equipment is suitable for the maximum working pressures and
services involved
Ensure threads are clean
Inspect for signs of damage
Fill turnaround Sheave with clean grease
If using the Phuel Detection System Insert a length of wire and confirm
that the wheel is moving freely. (See Section 6).
Pressure test to the maximum operating pressure
Ensure all connections are tight
Ensure correct Pulley Wheel for the wire being used is fitted
To avoid tilting during lifts it is recommended that 2 lifting points are
used to lift the equipment into place
4.2 During Job
Using suitable pump fill TAS with clean grease
Secure the TAS to the mast to prevent excessive movement
Use the sensor to show that the wheel is turning as expected. If not
using Detection System rotation is indicated by the difference in the
Up/Down weights while spooling wire
Ensure that grease is always being pumped from the inside of the
bearings outwards to the well adjust so that pump maintains a stroke of
1 – 2 strokes per minute.
Bleed off any build up of gas at the top of the wheel if required
4.3 Post Job
Inspect for signs of damage and report any findings
Ensure threads are cleaned and the re-greased
Pump through with clean grease ensuring that there is no pressure lock
and check that the wheel turns freely
If debris is found in the system a full strip and rebuild is required
Fit protectors to retain the grease fit sensor protector