MS 1002 - 7
MS 1002
5. Shipment MS1002
1 piece MS1002
(operating unit) with adapter
1 piece hot water
hose 1,5 m length, ¾",
60 °C
1 piece mixing chamber
, consisting of
connection bracket, Y-piece and brass sleeve
with temperature sensor.
2 pieces magnetic valve 24 V
with return flow
inhibitor and connection for water tap ¾"
1 piece humidity sensor
with fixing by a
vacuum cup
2 pieces dowels
6 mm and bolts
5 pieces gaskets
6. Assembly MS 1002
1. Mark the position of the holes on the wall by
using the drilling jig (horizontal).
2. Drill a hole for the dowels by using a 6 mm
stone drill and put the dowels succinct in it.
(Dowels are suitable with brickwork, finery, and
concrete). When assembling at cavity walls, for
example plasterboard, please use special
dowels for cavity walls.
3. Turn the bolts in until a gap of 3-4 mm bet-
ween wall and bolt headinside is reached.
4. Hook MS1002 in.
5. Establish the electric connection between the
magnetic valves an the MS1002 (Attach plug fix
on the connection clip).
6. Put the humidity sensor via the vacuum cup at
the washing machine in the way that the plastic
housing contact the floor (pins faced down-
wards to the floor).
7. Plug in the power plug (adapter plug) of the
control gear in the power socket.
8. Put the washing-machine plug in the adapter
plug of the control gear.
9. At first starting, check all compression cou-
plings for leak tightness and if necessary retigh-
10. If your washing machine uses "Aqua-Stop",
it´s necessary to order an extra hose connector
and an extra hose.