AM120MKIII / AM220 / AM220P
AM120MKIII / AM220 / AM220P
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AM120MKIII / AM220 / AM220P
AM120MKIII / AM220 / AM220P
Thank you for choosing one of Phonic’s many quality com-
pact mixers. The AM series of mixers – designed by the
ingenious engineers that have created a variety of mixers
fantastic in style and performance in the past – displays
similar proficiency that previous Phonic products have
show; with more than a few refinements, of course. The
AM series features full gain ranges, amazing low distortion
levels, and incredibly wide dynamic ranges, just showing
the dominance these small machines will have in the mix-
ing World.
We know how eager you are to get started – wanting to get
the mixer out and hook it all up is probably your number
one priority right now – but before you do, we strongly
urge you to take a look through this manual. Inside, you
will find important facts and figures on the setup, use and
applications of your brand new mixer. If you do happen to
be one of the many people who flatly refuse to read user
manuals, then we just urge you to at least glance at the
Instant Setup section. After glancing at or reading through
the manual (we applaud you if you do read the entire
manual), please store it in a place that is easy for you to
find, because chances are there’s something you missed
the first time around.
1. Ensure all power is turned off on your mixer. To totally
ensure this, the AC cable should not be connected to
the unit
2. All faders and level controls should be set at the low-
est level and all channels switched off to ensure no
sound in inadvertently sent through the outputs when
the device is switched on. All levels can be altered
to acceptable degrees after the device is turned on
using the channel setup instructions.
. Plug any necessary equipment into the device’s
various outputs. This could include amplifiers and
speakers, monitors, signal processors, and/or record-
ing devices.
4. Plug the supplied AC cable into the AC inlet on the
back of the device and then into a power outlet of a
suitable voltage.
5. Turn the power switch on and follow the channel setup
instructions to get the most out of your equipment.
1. To ensure the correct audio level of the input chan-
nel is selected, each of the level input controls of the
mixer should be turned counter-clockwise or down
as far as they will go (which should be the -∞ mark)
2. No input other than the one being set should have any
device plugged in. This will ensure the pure signal is
used when setting channels
. Set the level control of the channels you are setting
to the 0 dB mark.
4. Ensure the channel has a signal sent to it similar to
the signal that will be sent when in common use.
For example, if the channel is using a microphone
then you should speak or sing at the same level the
performer normally would during a performance if
a guitar is plugged into the channel, then the guitar
should be strummed as it normally would be (and so
on). This ensures levels are completely accurate and
avoids having to reset them later.
5. Set the gain so the level meter indicators the audio
Is around 0 dB.
6. This channel is now ready to be used; you can stop
making the audio signal.
7. You can repeat the same process for other chan-