The hearing care professional may decide that a referral of a
patient for a medical or other specialist opinion and / or
treatment is inappropriate or not in the best interest of the
patient when the following applies:
• There is sufficient evidence that the condition has been
fully investigated by a medical specialist and the
possible treatment has been provided
• The condition has not worsened or changed
significantly since the previous investigation and / or
• The patient has communicated their informed and
competent decision not to seek a medical opinion
It is permissible to proceed to recommend an appropriate
hearing aid systems subject to the following considerations:
• The recommended hearing aid system will not have an
adverse effect on the patients health or general
• The records confirm that the patient´s best interest has
been taken into consideration
If legally required, the patient must sign a disclaimer to
confirm their rejection of the referral advice and that they
made an informed decision.
A CROS device will not restore normal hearing and will not
prevent or improve a hearing impairment resulting from
organic conditions. Infrequent use of a CROS device does
not permit a patient to attain full benefit from it. The use of
a CROS device is only a part of the hearing habilitation and
may need to be supplemented by auditory training and
instruction in lipreading.
The CROS device is suitable for the home healthcare
environment and due to its portability it may happen that it
is used in professional healthcare facility environment like
physician offices, dental offices etc.