fitting the battery
Keep the battery
on the
top facing the
of the
Slide the battery onto the
contact points and press it d o w n
until it clicks into place.
fitting the battery cover
Slide the battery cover in at the
bottom end first. Push down the
catch end until it clicks into place.
charging the battery
The first charge must be for a minimum of 10 hours in
o rder to achieve optimum performance. A battery only
reaches its maximum capacity after being charged and
run down (whilst you use your phone), 2 or 3 times. Yo u
can make calls whilst charging your phone, as long as
you have re g i s t e red your phone (see the following page).
Plug your charger into a mains socket.
Insert the other end of the lead into the base of your
phone. The battery indicator in
the top left hand corner of the
display will show up to 4 bars
whilst charging. The first time you
plug in the charger and switch it
on the battery indicator may take
a few seconds to show.
Rechargeable batteries have a limited lifespan and
Orange recommend that you purchase a new one
every year. Call the Orange Accessory Hotline on
0500 178 178
for up-to-date prices or to order
accessories for your phone.
removing the battery
Press on the latch on the back of the phone and lift
off the battery cover.
Lift up on the bottom of the battery and remove it
from the phone.
Note: If you need to remove your SIM Card or battery,
always turn your phone off first.
b e f o re you start
fit & charge the phone’s battery
To start enjoying the freedom an Orange phone can bring, you need to fit and charge the battery.