terms and conditions
1 definitions
The following words and expressions shall have the
following meanings:
Products approved by Orange which you use in
conjunction with your Phone. They include (without
limitation) batteries, chargers, car kits, headsets and carry
Our records of your payments and outstanding Charges,
plus your personal details.
A block placed by us on some or all of the Services you
normally use (except for calls to emergency services).
All charges for Services, as published in our periodically
updated Price Guide. These include any reasonable
administration charges.
The process of giving you access to a Service.
“Disconnection” and “Re-connection” have a
corresponding meaning.
The terms and conditions described in this leaflet which
are binding on both you and Orange for each Phone you
connect to the Orange network.
Customer Literature
Printed matter published by Orange which provides
information on Orange Services. It may be distributed with
new Phones or in mailings to some or all Orange
Refundable amount that Orange may ask you to pay
before we Connect or Re-connect you to the Network or
before providing any Service.
Line One and Line Two
Line One is the primary means by which you have access
to the Services. Line Two is a second line on the same
Phone with its own Phone number.
Minimum Term
The period of 12 months commencing on the date of
Orange terms and conditions
Whether you want the definition of charges, connection or customer literature, or the complete low
down on your contract, you’ll find it all here. Either read it in one go or call on it when you choose.