by pressing the on/off button. If the status
indicator lights up green again, you can
continue your treatment. If the status indicator
continues to flash red, call the Philips skincare
expert team for free at 0800 331 6015.
Flashing orange for 30 seconds: the
overtreatment protection has been activated.
The device is locked for 24 hours. You
overtreat when you apply more than the
recommended number of doses to your skin
within 24 hours.
5.3.2 Battery indicator
Flashing green: battery is charging.
Continuous green: battery is fully charged.
Battery indicator off during use: battery contains
more energy than needed for two doses.
Continuous red: battery contains less energy
than needed for two doses.
5.2.5 Treatment of the other body parts
• Neck and chest:
Pull the skin taut with your
free hand for better results.
• Hands
: Make a fist to ensure good skin
contact. You can also treat your fingers.
however, good skin contact is harder to
achieve because of the small surface area.
• Arms
: support your forearm on a table. Treat
the area between elbow and wrist. If you are
taller, you have longer forearms. Because the
surface to be treated is larger, you may need
more than two doses to treat the whole
treatment area.
Do not treat the inside of your forearm, as the skin
on this area is very sensitive. Only treat the outside.
5.3 Overview of light and sound
5.3.1 Status indicator
Continuous orange: application tip is not or
not properly attached.
Continuous green: application tip is attached
Continuous red: the temperature of the
device is too high or too low. If the device
overheats, the fan inside continues to work
to help cool down the device. When the
status indicator lights up green again, the
device has cooled down and you can use it
again. Only use the device in a dry room at a
temperature b10°C and +40°C.
Flashing red and error sound: the device
is in error mode and switches itself off
automatically. Switch on the device again