property page. This property page is accessible from within the application you are using.
2. Select the correct Mains frequency, 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
A: This can happen when the selected data stream format could not be processed due to a missing codec. Re-install the camera driver
software to install the missing codec.
A: If a video clip is created at a high resolution such as CIF and at a high frame rate, a tremendous amount of data is generated. Hardly
any computer system and/or hard drive is capable of handling this kind of data stream. This effect results in dropping a number of
frames to be able to match the data stream to the capabilities of your computer. This effect can be reduced or completely eliminated by
applying the following measures:
1. changing to a lower resolution such as 320x240 or lower
2. changing to a lower frame rate
3. putting the hard drive in DMA mode
4. using a new file instead of overwriting an existing one
Please bear in mind that the majority of the video applications do not require high resolutions in combination with high frame rates. In
most cases you will therefore not encounter this phenomenon at all.