background image

Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts


FM242 AA


Layout SCAVIO Panel (Overview Top Side)

0301 A3
0305 A2
0315 A6
0316 A5
0318 A6
0319 A6
0320 A1
0375 C6
0376 C1
0378 C2
0379 C7
0380 C8
0381 C7
0382 A1
0383 B2
0384 B2
0385 A1
0387 A8
0388 A8
1100 A2
1105 A7
1170 C4
1171 B5
1250 C6
1270 B7
1415 B2
1570 A4
1575 A3
1670 A1
1835 B8
2002 C8
2003 C8
2004 C8

2005 C8
2008 C8
2012 C8
2014 C8
2015 C8
2021 C8
2030 C8
2040 A8
2041 A8
2042 A8
2060 A7
2072 C7
2077 C8
2082 C8
2088 C8
2089 B7
2090 C7
2097 C8
2103 C7
2105 B7
2106 B7
2107 B7
2108 B7
2109 B7
2110 B7
2111 B8
2112 B7
2113 B7
2114 C8
2115 C7
2116 C8
2117 C8
2119 C6

2120 C8
2123 C7
2124 C7
2127 B8
2128 B7
2134 B8
2137 C7
2140 B8
2142 A7
2143 A7
2144 A7
2145 B8
2146 B5
2147 A7
2150 A7
2151 B5
2152 B5
2153 B7
2156 A7
2157 B8
2158 B5
2159 B7
2161 C8
2164 C8
2165 C8
2166 B8
2167 B8
2168 B8
2195 B5
2196 B5
2197 C5
2198 C4
2199 C5

2217 C6
2220 C6
2221 B7
2222 C7
2223 C6
2224 C6
2225 A8
2226 A8
2228 C6
2252 C6
2253 C6
2254 C6
2260 C6
2261 C6
2262 C6
2263 C6
2264 C6
2265 C7
2266 C6
2267 C6
2268 C7
2269 C7
2270 C7
2274 C7
2275 C7
2276 C7
2277 C7
2278 C7
2279 C7
2300 A6
2301 A6
2302 B7
2308 A6

2311 A6
2318 A6
2328 A6
2335 B5
2336 C3
2337 B3
2338 C3
2340 B1
2343 C1
2351 C1
2352 C1
2353 C1
2354 C1
2355 C1
2365 C1
2370 A5
2372 B5
2375 B5
2376 B5
2383 B2
2433 B2
2435 B2
2437 B2
2438 B2
2446 B2
2447 C2
2499 B1
2520 B2
2521 B2
2522 B1
2523 B3
2524 B1
2530 A6

2541 A7
2557 A6
2558 A6
2559 A6
2560 A6
2562 A7
2563 A7
2564 A7
2565 A7
2566 A6
2570 A4
2572 A4
2573 A5
2574 A5
2583 A4
2628 A3
2640 A1
2641 A1
2642 A2
2643 A3
2644 A3
2645 B2
2646 A2
2647 A2
2648 A3
2649 A2
2657 A3
2662 A3
2663 A3
2799 B8
2800 C3
2802 C3
2803 C3

2810 A8
2816 B8
2820 B8
2821 B8
2823 B8
2829 B8
2831 B8
2834 B8
2870 A8
2874 A7
2879 A8
2881 A8
3001 C8
3002 C8
3003 C8
3004 C8
3005 C8
3006 C8
3008 C8
3009 B3
3010 C8
3011 C8
3012 C8
3013 C8
3014 C8
3015 C8
3016 A5
3040 A8
3041 A8
3042 A8
3043 A8
3044 A8
3050 A8

3051 A8
3071 C8
3072 C7
3073 C7
3074 C7
3075 C7
3076 C8
3077 C8
3078 C8
3079 C8
3080 C8
3081 C8
3082 C8
3083 C8
3084 C8
3085 C8
3086 B8
3087 C8
3088 C8
3089 C8
3090 B7
3091 C7
3092 C8
3093 C7
3094 B8
3095 C8
3096 C8
3097 B8
3098 B8
3099 B7
3100 C8
3101 C7
3102 B7

3103 B7
3104 B8
3105 B8
3106 C8
3107 C8
3108 B7
3109 B7
3110 C8
3111 C7
3112 C7
3113 B7
3114 B8
3115 B7
3116 C8
3117 B8
3118 C8
3119 C8
3120 C8
3121 B8
3122 B7
3123 C8
3124 C7
3125 C8
3126 B8
3127 B8
3128 B8
3129 B8
3130 B8
3131 B7
3133 B5
3134 B8
3135 B8
3136 B8

3137 C7
3138 C7
3139 C7
3140 B8
3141 B8
3142 B8
3144 A6
3145 A7
3146 A7
3147 A6
3148 B7
3149 A7
3150 A6
3151 A7
3152 A7
3153 B6
3154 B7
3155 B7
3156 A6
3157 A7
3158 A7
3159 B6
3160 B7
3161 B7
3162 B5
3163 B8
3164 C8
3165 B7
3166 B5
3170 A6
3171 A6
3172 A6
3173 B7

3174 B7
3175 B7
3176 B7
3177 B7
3178 B8
3179 B7
3180 B8
3181 B8
3182 B8
3183 B7
3184 B7
3186 B7
3188 B7
3189 B8
3193 C7
3194 C6
3195 C7
3200 B5
3203 B5
3204 B5
3205 B5
3209 C5
3210 C5
3213 C6
3214 C6
3215 C6
3216 C6
3217 C6
3218 C6
3219 B5
3220 A8
3250 B7
3251 B7

3260 B7
3261 C6
3262 B7
3263 B7
3271 B7
3274 C8
3275 C6
3276 C7
3277 C8
3278 C7
3279 C7
3284 B6
3285 B6
3286 B6
3289 B6
3290 B6
3291 B6
3292 B6
3293 B6
3297 B6
3298 B5
3299 B6
3304 B6
3305 B3
3306 A5
3308 A6
3309 A6
3310 A6
3311 A6
3316 A5
3318 A6
3319 A6
3320 A6

3321 A6
3323 A5
3324 A5
3328 A6
3329 A6
3330 A6
3331 A6
3333 A5
3334 A5
3336 B3
3337 B3
3338 B3
3339 B3
3340 B1
3346 B1
3351 B6
3352 C1
3353 C1
3354 C1
3355 C1
3359 A6
3363 C3
3364 C1
3365 C1
3366 C1
3370 A5
3371 A5
3373 A5
3374 A5
3375 B5
3376 B5
3377 B5
3378 B5

3379 B5
3380 B2
3381 B2
3382 B2
3383 B2
3385 B3
3386 B3
3387 B3
3389 B3
3390 B3
3391 B3
3392 B3
3393 B3
3394 B3
3397 B3
3398 B2
3401 B2
3402 C2
3404 C2
3406 C2
3410 C2
3413 C2
3414 C2
3415 C2
3424 C2
3425 C2
3426 C2
3427 C2
3428 C2
3429 C2
3448 B1
3449 B1
3451 B1

3452 C1
3453 C1
3460 B1
3461 B1
3462 B1
3463 B1
3464 B1
3483 C2
3484 C2
3485 C2
3486 C2
3487 C2
3488 C2
3489 C2
3496 B3
3502 B1
3503 B1
3506 B1
3510 B3
3512 B3
3519 B3
3520 B3
3536 A5
3540 A7
3541 A7
3542 A7
3543 A7
3544 A7
3545 A6
3546 A7
3547 A7
3556 A1
3557 A6

3558 A6
3559 A6
3560 A6
3570 A1
3571 A4
3572 A6
3573 A6
3575 A4
3580 A4
3581 A4
3582 A4
3583 A4
3610 B3
3611 A4
3625 A3
3626 A3
3627 A3
3640 A1
3641 A1
3655 A2
3657 A3
3658 A3
3660 B8
3667 B6
3668 B6
3679 A3
3687 B3
3710 C3
3720 C2
3730 C2
3740 C2
3750 C2
3760 C2

3809 C3
3810 A8
3811 A8
3814 A8
3836 C4
3837 C4
3879 A8
3880 A8
3900 C3
3905 A6
3906 A6
3907 A6
3909 A5
3913 C1
3914 A1
3915 B1
3918 B5
3919 A5
3920 A5
3922 B1
3924 C1
3925 C1
3926 C1
3927 C1
3928 C1
4008 A1
4011 A1
4146 B8
4152 B8
4158 B7
4200 B5
4201 B5
4202 B5

4203 B5
4215 C6
4216 C6
4381 B3
4500 C1
4572 A5
4574 A5
4654 A2
4659 A2
4871 A8
4872 A8
4873 A8
4874 A8
4875 A8
4876 A8
4890 A8
4891 A8
4892 A8
4893 A8
4894 A8
4895 A8
4896 A8
4897 A8
4898 A1
5089 B8
5090 B8
5140 A7
5161 C8
5164 C8
5166 B8
5167 B8
5170 C8
5175 B7

5180 B7
5196 B5
5197 B5
5198 C4
5199 C5
5210 C6
5214 C6
5221 B7
5222 C7
5223 C6
5224 C6
5226 C6
5228 B5
5300 A6
5302 B7
5350 C1
5352 C1
5520 A2
5524 B1
5541 A7
5570 A4
5572 A5
5574 A5
5628 A3
5642 A2
5643 A3
5644 A3
5646 A2
5647 A2
5648 A3
5649 A2
5810 A8
5820 B8

5834 B8
5870 A7
6001 C8
6010 C8
6071 C8
6076 C8
6091 C8
6105 B7
6166 B8
6200 C5
6201 C5
6202 C6
6203 C6
6204 C5
6205 C5
6206 C5
6207 C5
6208 C5
6209 C5
6210 C6
6214 C6
6274 C8
6276 C6
6277 C6
6278 C7
6302 B7
6315 C1
6316 C1
6317 C1
6318 C1
6319 C1
6320 C1
6321 C1

6322 C1
6323 C1
6324 C1
6353 C1
6354 C1
6355 C1
6356 C1
6357 C1
6365 C1
6366 C1
6378 B5
6379 B5
6388 B3
6393 B3
6399 B3
6508 B3
6509 B3
6551 C1
6552 C1
6553 C1
6554 C1
6555 C1
6710 C3
6711 C3
6720 C2
6721 C2
6730 C2
6731 C2
6740 C2
6741 C2
6750 C2
6751 C2
6760 C2

6761 C2
6770 C8
6771 C8
6774 C7
6775 C7
6778 C7
6779 C7
6782 C7
6783 C7
6786 C8
6787 C8
6790 C8
6791 C8
6820 B8
6821 B3
7006 C8
7010 C8
7040 A8
7041 A8
7074 C7
7075 C7
7079 C8
7080 C8
7084 C8
7085 C8
7088 C8
7089 B8
7090 C7
7100 B7
7102 B7
7103 B7
7104 B8
7105 B8

7107 B7
7110 B7
7111 B7
7112 B7
7113 B7
7115 B7
7117 C8
7121 C8
7129 B8
7130 B8
7131 B7
7135 B8
7138 C7
7141 B8
7145 A7
7146 B8
7148 A7
7151 A7
7154 B7
7157 A7
7158 B8
7160 B7
7165 B8
7170 B5
7175 C5
7215 C6
7225 B6
7280 B6
7308 A6
7309 B6
7311 A6
7318 A6
7319 B5

7320 B3
7321 B3
7322 B3
7323 C3
7328 A6
7333 B6
7340 B1
7352 C1
7364 C1
7370 B5
7383 B2
7432 C2
7433 C2
7506 B1
7540 A7
7570 A4
7574 A5
7580 A4
7605 B4
7628 A3
7640 A1
7641 A1
7655 A2
7656 A2
7670 A3
7870 A7
7874 A7
7879 A8
7880 A8
7881 A8

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


CL 26532038_050.eps


Summary of Contents for FM242

Page 1: ...s and PWB lay outs Diagram PWB Audio Amplifier DC Protection Diagram A1 27 34 35 Audio Amplifier Filters Diagram A2 28 34 35 Audio Amplifier Left High Diagram A3 29 34 35 Audio Amplifier Left Low Diagram A4 30 34 35 Audio Amplifier Right High Diagram A5 31 34 35 Audio Amplifier Right Low Diagram A6 32 34 35 Audio Amp Supply DC Prot Diagram A7 33 34 35 LED Switch Panel Diagram LD 36 37 SCAVIO Funct...

Page 2: ...nections RS232 Figure 1 2 RS232 connector subD 9p 1 2 TXD UART 3 RXD UART 4 RL_ICN ICONN 5 Ground 6 GL_ICN ICONN 7 LD_ICN ICONN 8 IR_TX ICONN 9 IR_RX ICONN 10 Ground 11 Ground Audio In DVI D 1 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 1 kΩ 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 1 kΩ Audio In VGA2 1 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 1 kΩ 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 1 kΩ Audio In VGA1 1 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 1 kΩ 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 1 kΩ VGA1 In Figure 1 3 VGA Connector 1 Re...

Page 3: ...round 4 5 6 DDC SCL 7 DDC SDA 8 9 RX1 10 RX1 11 Ground 12 13 14 5V_STBY_SW 15 Ground 16 5V_STBY_SW 17 RX0 18 RX0 19 Ground 20 21 Ground 22 23 RXC 24 RXC C5 Ground AV2 SVHS In 1 Y Ground 2 C Ground 3 Y 1 Vpp 75 Ω 4 C 16 9 0 3 Vpp 75 Ω AV2 Audio In 1 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 10 kΩ 2 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 10 kΩ AV1 Audio Video In 1 CVBS 1 Vpp 75 Ω 2 Audio L 0 5 Vrms 10 kΩ 3 Audio R 0 5 Vrms 10 kΩ AV3 Audio Video ...

Page 4: ...verview Figure 1 6 PWB Location CL 36532011_010 eps 060303 Logic Board X Board Y Main Y Buffer up Logic B uffer E Logic B uffer G Logic Buffer F Y Buffer down SMPS A SC VGA CONNECTOR PANEL SCAVIO PANEL AUDIO AMPLIFIER PANEL P POWER SUPPLY PANEL VGA LD LED SWITCH PANEL PLASMA DISPLAY PANEL ...

Page 5: ...ground or hot ground as this is called The direct voltages and oscillograms shown in the diagrams are indicative Measure them in the Service Default Mode see section Service Modes Where necessary measure the voltages in the power supply section both in normal operation and in standby These values are indicated by means of the appropriate symbols The semiconductors indicated in the circuit diagram ...

Page 6: ... on the board Ideally the LF BGA should be aligned under a microscope or magnifying glass If this is not possible try to align the LF BGA with any board markers To reflow the solder apply a temperature profile according to the IC data sheet So as not to damage neighbouring components it may be necessary to reduce some temperatures and times ...

Page 7: ...Directions for Use EN 7 FM242 AA 3 3 Directions for Use ...

Page 8: ...Directions for Use EN 8 FM242 AA 3 ...

Page 9: ...Directions for Use EN 9 FM242 AA 3 ...

Page 10: ...the metal back plate Make sure that wires and flat foils are not damaged during plate removal 4 3 Service Position Panels 4 3 1 SCAVIO Panel Solder side SCAVIO Figure 4 2 Service position SCAVIO 1 To access the panel 1 Remove the cables from connectors 0320 0305 0301 0319 and 0388 on the SCAVIO panel 2 Remove the power cable from the mains power inlet to the power supply connector 0308 3 Remove th...

Page 11: ... accessible To access the component side or to remove the whole panel unscrew the three fixation screws 4 3 5 LED Switch Panel and Speakers Figure 4 5 Service Position LED Switch Panel and Speakers To access or replace the LED Switch panel and or speakers 1 Take the monitor from its service stand and put it face down on a soft surface blanket or foam cushion to make sure that you do not damage the...

Page 12: ...lug the cable of the LED Switch panel connector 0320 8 You can now remove the metallised shielding frame together with the PDP Audio panel Power supply and SCAVIO panel attached to it see figure Exchange Glass Plate Note To prevent scratches make sure to put the shielding frame together with the PDP on a soft surface 9 Replace the glass plate Figure 4 7 Exchange PDP To exchange the PDP panel 1 Tak...

Page 13: ...0 brightness contrast etc Colour temperature is set to normal Bass treble and balance at 50 volume at 25 All service unfriendly modes if present are disabled like Video blanking Slow de mute Anti ageing Automatic switch to Standby when no sync signals are received Figure 5 1 SDM Flowchart How to enter SDM Use one of the following methods Use the standard RC transmitter and key in the code 062596 d...

Page 14: ... one of the following methods Select the sub menu s upper line with the CURSOR LEFT RIGHT keys on the remote control transmitter Select the menu items with the CURSOR UP DOWN keys With the CURSOR LEFT RIGHT keys it is possible to Activate the selected menu item Change the value of the selected menu item To toggle to the SDM mode use the standard customer RC transmitter and key in the code 062596 d...

Page 15: ...te is on or off How to navigate Use one of the following methods Switch to the other CSM page with the CURSOR LEFT RIGHT keys on the remote control You can increase decrease volume with the VOLUME UP DOWN keys on the remote control You can switch to another source with the NUM EXT keys on the remote control How to exit Use one of the following methods Press the MENU key of the remote control trans...

Page 16: not the case ComPair will guide you through the faultfinding tree by asking you questions e g Does the screen give a picture Click on the correct answer YES NO and showing you examples e g Measure test point F7 and click on the correct oscillogram you see on the oscilloscope You can answer by clicking on a link e g text or a waveform picture that will bring you to the next step in the faultfind...

Page 17: ...u SAM the blinking LED procedure or via ComPair If a fault situation is detected an error code will be generated and if necessary the set will be put in the protection mode Blinking of the red LED at a frequency of 5 Hz indicates the protection mode In some error cases the microprocessor does not put the set in the protection mode The error codes are indicated by an orange front LED To get a quick...

Page 18: ...h some pixels do not extinguish when VS value is too low some pixels do not enlighten match with a possible misalignment of a supply line this supply line could be checked and re aligned Only do this if there is a slight spec violation In case it does not help re align to the previous wrong setting to keep cause image in tact for central repair workshop Replace supply panel by a new one and match ...


Page 20: ...LOCK DIAGRAM VIDEO 7800 A B 74HC4053D SC1 R R L1 R1 15 14 10 11 2 12 A B D CTR NIL L2 5 L3 6 L4 9 L5 10 L6 11 R1 25 R2 24 R3 23 R4 20 R5 19 R6 18 ERR 1 ERR 2 3795 3813 4811 4810 3812 DSP DIGITAL SOUND PROC DAC 27 SCL AUDIO 3794 12 PRE OUT1 L 13 7874 TC74HC590AF 7879 TC74HC590AF B 7870 TC74HC590AF 7880 CY7C199B 7x 7x RAM COUNTER COUNTER D F F D F F 7881 74HCT573 A 7882 74HCT573 I2S DATA IN1 I2S DAT...

Page 21: ...INPUT SC7 CONTROL FUNCTIONS 1 OTC 8V6 8V6 8B 8V6 3V3 STBY SW 3V3 STBY SW 5V 5V 5V 5R 5V 5V STBY SW 5S 5V STBY SW 5V 5352 5302 5350 6302 6353 5197 SC4 VIDEO SELECTION ADC SC5 VIDEO 5196 5198 5199 3V3PLL 5V POW 5V STBY SW 3V3 3V3 AD 3V3MAIN1 5V_STBY_SW 3V3OUTPUT 3V3MAIN2 5220 5222 5224 3V3AA 3V3DB 3V3DD 3V3 8V6 8V6 3V3VID 3V3 5V 5V 5221 5223 5228 3V3DA 3V3DC 3V3DE SC2 SYNC SELECTION SC8 CONTROL FUNC...

Page 22: ... SCL_AUDIO SDA_AUDIO 27 7798 TEA6422Q MATRIX SWITCH SLAVE HW IIC ERR 1 ERR 30 BACK END LVDS OUTPUT SC12 PW164 SC10 BACK END EPLD SC11 BACK END LVDS OUTPUT SC12 PLASMA DISPLAY PANEL PDP 74 3370 3371 73 7370 PCF8574A I O EXP SLAVE HW IIC ERR 6 SLAVE IIC SLAVE IIC 0319 6 7 0301 16 18 6 7 IIC BUS 2 slow 100KHz PW_SDA_NVM PW_SCL_NVM PW_RESET 3V3_PW 3583 4581 3580 3582 3581 6630 SCL 7215 ST24FC21 SDA 36...

Page 23: ...1 F528 C1 F530 C1 F530 C1 F565 B1 F565 B1 F601 B2 F601 B2 F607 B2 F607 B2 F628 B1 F628 B1 F630 B1 F630 B1 F665 B1 F665 B1 F710 C2 F710 C2 F711 C2 F711 C2 F712 B2 F712 B2 F713 B2 F713 B2 F714 B2 F714 B2 F717 C2 F717 C2 F718 C2 F718 C2 F719 C2 F719 C2 F720 C2 F720 C2 F723 B2 F723 B2 F724 B2 F724 B2 F725 B2 F725 B2 F730 B2 F730 B2 F732 A2 F732 A2 F733 A2 F733 A2 F735 B2 F735 B2 F736 A2 F736 A2 F740 A...

Page 24: ...1 3 8006 1 5 10 8009 1 3 4 13 8002 1 8 12 5 1 5 10 1 4 5 1 1 9 8001 8011 Protection Board 8010 8008 8003 P7 P6 P2 P1 P4 P5 P3 P12 P13 9 1 2 5 8 8007 P8 P9 P10 P11 P14 GREEN 8002 GREEN COIL COIL COIL 8003 RED 8004 VE VA Vcc VSCAN VSET 8V6 VFAN DV5 PFC VR8001 VR8002 VR8011 VR8012 VR8007 VR8006 VR8009 VR8010 VR8008 VR8005 VR8004 VR8003 3V3_VSB_S 5V_STBY_S COMPONENT SIDE COLD HOT ...

Page 25: ... F722 C1 F722 C1 F723 B7 F723 B7 F724 C6 F724 C6 F725 C6 F725 C6 F810 A1 F810 A1 F811 B1 F811 B1 F812 A1 F812 A1 F813 A1 F813 A1 F814 A1 F814 A1 F815 A1 F815 A1 F816 A1 F816 A1 F817 A1 F817 A1 F820 B1 F820 B1 F870 A1 F870 A1 F871 A1 F871 A1 F872 A1 F872 A1 F873 A1 F873 A1 F874 A1 F874 A1 F875 A1 F875 A1 I000 C1 I000 C1 I001 A2 I001 A2 I002 C1 I002 C1 I003 C1 I003 C1 I004 B1 I004 B1 I005 C1 I005 C1...



Page 28: ...S VCC_10_POS GND_F VCC_10_POS 8 4 3220 220R 2271 7225 B LM833DT 5 6 7 220R 3205 22n F235 F245 2K2 3241 GND_F 82p 2207 2220 4n7 1K2 3255 1R 3259 GND_F 2217 RES F258 VCC_10_POS 10u 2206 VCC_10_NEG 3234 560R 2201 4n7 10u 2216 2261 100n 2K2 3233 GND_F 4n7 2205 GND_F 3203 2K7 GND_F GND_F F207 2221 10u 2233 68n F201 4n7 2215 5 6 7 8 4 2244 100n GND_F 7238 B LM833DT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GND_F GND_F RES PH S 0...

Page 29: ...340 8K2 3306 GND_I GND_I 2315 1u GND_I 2359 100n 6328 BAS316 3362 10R GND_I 220n 2365 GND_O BC817 25 7330 100MHZ 5335 10R 3315 6359 BZX384 C4V7 3327 2K2 10R 3355 2K2 3325 GND_O 6 4 3 F362 3308 100K 7365 2 IRF7343 5 3330 10R 7315 LM311D 5 BAL 1 GND 2 3 7 6 STR BAL 8 V 4 V 2318 100n 2334 220u C302 100MHZ 5360 100n 2355 220u 2360 VCC_10_NEG GND_O 4M7 3361 GND_I VCC_10_POS IRF7343 7365 1 7 8 2 1 BZX38...

Page 30: ...434 BZX384 C4V7 180R 3409 7465 2 IRF7343 5 6 4 3402 4K7 3401 1K GND_I 100K 3407 220u 2460 GND_O 100n 2459 33u 5465 100n 2455 VSND_POS 1u 2419 7430 BC817 25 3418 10R 82p 2410 100MHZ 5435 1 GND 2 3 7 6 STR BAL 8 V 4 V BZX384 C4V7 6455 BZX384 C4V7 7415 LM311D 5 BAL BZX384 C4V7 6459 6460 GND_I GND_I 3430 GND_O 82K 3410 F401 10R F465 7440 BC847BW 3408 100K F437 F462 BZX384 C4V7 6435 3461 10R 3437 4M7 G...

Page 31: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts 31 FM242 AA 7 Audio Panel Supply Right High ...

Page 32: ...1 7 8 BC847BW 7602 GND_O 100MHZ 5635 GND_O 3630 10R BZX384 C4V7 6655 7615 LM311D 5 BAL 1 GND 2 3 7 6 STR BAL 8 V 4 V 2K2 3625 2618 100n 2630 100n F628 3607 100K VCC_10_NEG GND_O BC847BW 7640 2660 220u 3640 10K 6635 BZX384 C4V7 82K 3610 8K2 3606 6659 BZX384 C4V7 3618 10R VSND_POS GND_I 10R 3637 BZX384 C4V7 6660 3627 2K2 3661 4M7 2609 1n5 F662 F665 100n 2635 100n 2655 10R 3615 GND_I GND_O 6656 BZX38...

Page 33: ...IFIER RIGHT LOW AUDIO AMPLIFIER LEFT HIGH AUDIO AMPLIFIER LEFT LOW F710 C2 7736 C4 7745 D5 7746 E4 0391 E3 1730 B3 22u 2760 T2 5AL 250V 47K 3752 F776 F743 BZX384 C10 6742 F717 1n 2759 7755 BC847BW 220u 2730 BAV99W 1 3 2 BC847BW 7751 BC868 7745 6750 2753 10u 7736 BC847BW 7746 BC857BW F711 F786 1n 2770 F735 100MHZ 5753 VCC_10_POS 220u 2732 1K 3754 DC_PROT 10u 2752 5 C702 100MHZ 5714 PH S 0303 1 2 3 ...

Page 34: ...C1 3230 B1 3231 A2 3232 A2 3234 A2 3240 B1 3241 A2 3242 A2 3257 A1 3259 A1 3272 A1 3274 A1 3301 A1 3302 A1 3303 A1 3304 A1 3306 B1 3340 A2 3401 A1 3402 A1 3403 A1 3404 A1 3406 A1 3440 A2 3501 B1 3502 C1 3503 B1 3504 B1 3506 C1 3540 B2 3601 B1 3602 B1 3603 B1 3604 B1 3606 B1 3640 B2 3732 A1 3733 A1 3742 A1 3743 A1 3749 C2 3750 C1 3751 C1 3752 C1 3754 C1 3755 B1 3760 C1 3765 B1 3770 C1 3771 C1 3780 ...

Page 35: ...A2 3271 A2 3273 A2 3307 B2 3308 B2 3309 B2 3310 B2 3311 B2 3315 A2 3318 B2 3325 A2 3327 A2 3328 B1 3330 B1 3336 A1 3337 A1 3355 A1 3361 A1 3362 A1 3407 A2 3408 A2 3409 A2 3410 A2 3411 A2 3415 A2 3418 A2 3425 A2 3427 A2 3428 A1 3430 A1 3436 A1 3437 A1 3455 A1 3461 A1 3462 A1 3507 C2 3508 C2 3509 C2 3510 C1 3511 C2 3515 B2 3518 C2 3525 B2 3527 B2 3528 C1 3530 C1 3536 C1 3537 C1 3555 B1 3561 C1 3562 ...

Page 36: ... 0317 A9 0320 B1 1101 D3 2107 C7 2120 E5 2126 F6 3100 C2 3101 C4 3102 B4 3103 C5 3104 B6 3105 C5 3106 D6 3127 470K F106 6105 BZX384 C3V9 F107 3122 1K I120 I123 3101 150R F110 F112 8 4 F120 7120 A LM358D 3 2 1 F115 I127 5V_STBY_SW F116 I103 F119 I102 2120 10u 100K 3102 2126 220n I111 I106 100R 3109 1K 3124 3106 150R BC857BW 8V6 BC857BW 7105 7120 B LM358D 5 6 7 8 4 7103 TSOP2236 7107 GND 3 1 OUT 2 V...

Page 37: ... 2107 D3 2120 C1 6103 C3 6127 C2 7107 C3 Layout LED Switch Panel Bottom Side 0317 A4 1101 B3 2126 C3 3101 B2 3102 C2 3103 C2 3104 C2 3105 C2 3106 B2 3107 B3 3108 C1 3109 C1 3120 B3 3121 C3 3122 C3 3123 B3 3124 B3 3125 C3 3126 C3 3127 C3 4101 B3 4107 A4 5100 B2 6101 C2 6105 C2 7103 C2 7105 C2 7107 C1 7120 C3 CL 16532099_024 eps 240901 ...


Page 39: ...I004 I003 I002 I032 I000 2020 100n I007 I012 5007 100MHZ 3V3_STBY_SW GND 8 9 10 7 11 6 2040 100n 75R 3001 7025 B LM319D 1K 3053 3K3 3044 2060 100n 5060 100MHZ E 6 S 9 Vdd 16 7 Vee Vss 8 Y0 5 Y1 3 Z 4 74HCT4053D 7007 C I001 3052 1K 2K2 3043 3054 2K2 3040 3K3 3041 2K2 I018 BC847BW BZM55 C33 6010 7006 E 6 S 11 Vdd 16 Vee 7 Vss 8 12 Y0 Y1 13 Z 14 BC847BW 7041 74HCT4053D 7007 A 3034 100K 2K2 3031 3022 ...

Page 40: ...HZ 100n 2161 2160 100n VREF1 5160 VREF1A 3138 22K 5V 100MHZ 8AA 3112 270R 270R 3116 I133 I134 8A I108 3152 560R 100MHZ 5164 22K 3117 47n 2123 5M 5V 100MHZ 5170 5167 3195 1K 2150 22u I051 I072 I078 8A VREF2 I087 2112 22u I084 560R 3155 2113 100n 3158 2088 100n I115 5140 100MHZ 560R I053 VREF2 I124 I069 VREF1A I129 I128 3147 270R I112 8V6 I061 10u 2168 8V6 8SW 74HCT4053D 7089 A E 6 S 11 Vdd 16 Vee 7...

Page 41: ...55 67 VD4 VD5 68 VD6 70 VD7 96 98 VD8 VD9 104 VDD1 1 59 RX1 RX1 60 56 RX2 57 RX2 RXC 65 RXC 66 SCAN_CLK 50 129 SCAN_IN SCAN_OUT 45 SCDT 136 91 SCL 92 SDA SOGIN 108 140 SOGOUT VD1 51 105 VD10 144 REDA7 143 160 REDB0 159 REDB1 REDB2 158 157 REDB3 156 REDB4 155 REDB5 154 REDB6 153 REDB7 125 REFIN REFOUT 126 RMIDSCV 120 53 RTERM 62 RX0 RX0 63 71 72 NC2 NC3 73 PVD1 75 PVD2 77 79 PVD3 87 PVD4 PVD5 88 RA...

Page 42: ...12 UVOUT6 11 UVOUT7 10 9 25 41 56 35 51 53 HIN 23 HOUT HEXT 60 HREF 62 INTERLACED 18 RESET 30 SCL 20 SDA 21 SYNCEN 29 TEST 19 UVIN0 31 UVIN1 32 UVIN2 33 UVIN3 34 UVIN4 37 UVIN5 38 UVIN6 39 3V3DC 7280 SDA9400 54 CLK1 CLKOUT 26 F233 F235 100n 2240 2282 100n 100R 3289 B 100R 3271 2285 100n 3250 100R 3V3DE F236 F227 100R 3290 A 3286 C 100R 3291 D 100R 100n 2280 5 6 7 8 9 0387 1 2 3 4 F220 3V3DE 100n 2...

Page 43: ... B 3909 10K 4K7 2335 4008 3923 I230 I249 I231 I246 I256 I245 BAT254 6381 I233 2345 2341 1K 3922 1K 3919 1K 4316 3918 3917 4K7 I272 2336 I263 I265 I268 I260 I262 I257 5V_STBY_SW I264 I275 I281 I258 I254 I248 I243 I247 I267 6353 BAT254 470R 470R 3902 470R 3903 3904 6380 3307 4K7 BC847BW BAT254 1K 3326 7315 3327 7316 BC847BW I255 10K I251 33K BC847BW 7325 3349 4898 4K7 3317 3915 3914 100R 10K 3298 39...

Page 44: ...BS0_R 4 CVBS1 7 CVBS1_R 6 D0 36 D1 32 D10 26 D11 22 D12 25 D13 29 54 A14 52 A15 48 A16 46 A17 44 A18 63 A19 65 A2 47 A20 64 A21 66 A22 67 A23 68 A3 51 A4 53 A5 55 A6 57 A7 7383 SAA5801H A1 45 A10 60 A11 58 A12 56 A13 2K2 3394 2500 100n 3V3_CNTL_E F419 100R 3406 C 4K7 3432 2K2 3413 3488 2K2 I355 I366 3502 3503 3381 C 100R 150R 3485 F432 3388 1K 100MHZ 5523 3404 D 100R 100n 2506 F402 100R 3381 B F41...

Page 45: ...d 7 Vee Vee 7 Vss 8 Y0 2 Y1 1 Z 15 7555 C 74HC4053D 6 E 9 S 16 Vdd 7 16 Vee 7 Vss 8 Y0 12 Y1 13 Z 14 74HC4053D 7555 B E 6 S 10 Vdd 16 16 Vdd 7 Vee 8 Vss 12 Y0 13 Y1 14 Z 74HC4053D 7550 A E 6 S 11 Vdd 7555 A 74HC4053D 6 E 11 S 5V_EXP I408 3566 I409 3567 1 2 5V_POW 100n 2535 3542 0316 3538 10K 2559 1n 2546 1n 1 3 2 5V_STBY_SW 1 3 2 5V_STBY_SW 6552 BAV99W 5V_STBY_SW BAV99W 6553 I420 I419 3556 2K2 I41...

Page 46: ...13 F565 F594 F569 7574 A 74LVC125A 2 1 14 7 3 F602 I432 F570 F608 F592 F593 5V F595 F603 6503 BZX384 C2V4 3591 3K3 5V_0E 100R 3571 6500 6502 5V_0E F601 F598 VCC 4 VSS 7 WC_ F609 7580 1 E0 2 E1 3 E2 6 SCL 5 SDA 8 10u 2573 F567 5V I430 3V3 100n 2584 CX 11F 1570 24M576 4592 3592 3K3 F576 7574 C 74LVC125A 9 10 14 7 8 F605 2572 100n 100n 2574 3016 100R 100R 3581 F568 F584 F599 3K3 3590 100MHZ 5574 3582...

Page 47: ... I O6 I O7 15 I O8 16 I O9 29 21 A12 A13 20 19 A14 A15 18 A2 3 2 A3 1 A4 A5 44 A6 43 42 A7 27 A8 A9 26 BHE_ 40 39 BLE_ CE_ 6 7628 CY62126 A0 5 4 A1 A10 25 A11 24 2V5 100MHZ 5630 2614 100n F617 3V3W 3V3_PW 2619 100n 100R 3606 3633 4K7 3V3_PW 3612 3K3 F637 F629 3V3_PW 2V5 WR W6 W4 U4 P4 L4 K4 G4 D10 B11 A12 D14 D17 G17 K17 A14 VVS M4 VG5 C9 VG6 A8 VG7 B14 VHS C13 VPEN D4 P17 T19 U17 W17 U14 W14 U12 ...

Page 48: ...1 IO33 D13 IO34 D14 IO35 D16 IO36 E1 IO37 E2 E4 IO38 IO39 E7 IO4 A8 IO40 E9 IO41 E10 IO42 E13 IO43 E14 IO44 E15 IO16 C1 IO17 C4 IO18 C5 IO19 C6 IO2 A6 IO20 C8 IO21 C10 IO22 C11 C12 IO23 IO24 C13 IO25 D2 D3 IO26 IO27 D5 IO28 D6 IO29 D7 IO3 A7 T1 IO135 T2 IO136 T3 IO137 T4 IO138 IO139 T5 IO14 B12 IO140 T6 IO141 T7 IO142 T9 IO143 T10 IO144 T11 T12 IO145 T13 IO146 IO147 T14 IO148 T15 IO15 B13 IO120 P1...

Page 49: ...4 TXIN20 22 TXIN21 23 TXIN22 24 TXIN23 25 TXIN24 27 TXIN25 28 53 36 43 49 LVDSVCC 44 35 33 PLLVCC 34 PWRDWN_ 32 17 R FB 31 TXCLKIN TXCLKOUT 39 TXCLKOUT 40 TXIN0 51 TXIN1 52 TXIN10 8 TXIN11 7670 DS90C385MTD 5 13 21 29 F670 F680 I681 I683 7675 BSH103 F671 3K3 3681 F682 3687 3679 100R 1p 2698 470R 3682 BSH103 7676 I680 F691 I682 F675 100MHZ 5673 3V3_PW 4684 2674 100n F678 100R 3676 F692 F684 F681 100...

Page 50: ...6786 I577 I576 6782 BZM55 C33 I599 100n 2715 I589 R6 18 ROUT1 13 ROUT2 15 ROUT3 17 SCL 27 SDA 28 VS 3 I539 L3 6 L4 9 L5 10 L6 11 LOUT1 12 LOUT2 14 LOUT3 16 7 8 21 22 R1 25 R2 24 R3 23 R4 20 R5 19 7798 TEA6422D ADDR 26 CAP 2 GND 1 L1 4 L2 5 2757 1u 2795 1u 2788 1u I587 6787 BZM55 C33 I597 I556 100R 3763 I570 4V3A I540 I544 100R 3795 100K 3836 1u 2732 BZM55 C33 6710 100p 2751 1u 2796 100p BC857BW 78...

Page 51: ...R 3844 F814 3849 100R 220n 2867 0388 PH S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F815 4V3B 4810 F820 10u 2834 3870 100R 2841 22K 3861 10u 2816 3853 39K 100n 2842 3855 100R 2835 7851 A LM833DT 3 2 1 8 4 1n5 2833 22K 3850 F813 470p 2839 2823 10u 2837 470p 7841 B LM833DT 5 6 7 8 4 2849 1n 39K 3843 39K 3848 I676 4V3B 8V6B I671 3811 4K7 100u 2857 1n 100MHZ 5810 2810 I662 4V3B F817 1n 2828 4V3B I659 1n 2844 27p 2843 TS462CD 5...

Page 52: ... FOR TV RAM 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H A B C D E F 5D 4883 100n 2880 F872 4894 5D F870 F873 4874 5 CE_ 20 GND 14 I O0 11 I O1 12 I O2 13 I O3 15 I O4 16 I O5 17 I O6 18 I O7 19 OE_ 22 VCC 28 WE_ 27 A0 21 A1 23 A10 6 A11 7 A12 8 A13 9 A14 10 A2 24 A3 25 A4 26 A5 1 A6 2 A7 3 A8 4 A9 100n 2870 7880 CY7C199B 5D 4884 4875 4876 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 9 VCC 16 TC74HC590AF 7870 11 12 10 GND 8 14 5870 1...

Page 53: ... B6 3304 B6 3305 B3 3306 A5 3308 A6 3309 A6 3310 A6 3311 A6 3316 A5 3318 A6 3319 A6 3320 A6 3321 A6 3323 A5 3324 A5 3328 A6 3329 A6 3330 A6 3331 A6 3333 A5 3334 A5 3336 B3 3337 B3 3338 B3 3339 B3 3340 B1 3346 B1 3351 B6 3352 C1 3353 C1 3354 C1 3355 C1 3359 A6 3363 C3 3364 C1 3365 C1 3366 C1 3370 A5 3371 A5 3373 A5 3374 A5 3375 B5 3376 B5 3377 B5 3378 B5 3379 B5 3380 B2 3381 B2 3382 B2 3383 B2 3385...

Page 54: ...54 FM242 AA 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 1 Top Side CL 26532038_50a eps 020402 ...

Page 55: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts 55 FM242 AA 7 Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 2 Top Side CL 26532038_50b eps 020402 ...

Page 56: ...56 FM242 AA 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 3 Top Side CL 26532038_50c eps 020402 ...

Page 57: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts 57 FM242 AA 7 Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 4 Top Side CL 26532038_50d eps 020402 ...

Page 58: ... 3419 A8 3420 A7 3421 A7 3422 A7 3423 A8 3430 B7 3431 B7 3432 B7 3433 B7 3435 B7 3436 B7 3450 B7 3490 B7 3494 B7 3507 B8 3511 B7 3513 B7 3514 C8 3515 C8 3516 C8 3517 C8 3518 C8 3530 A3 3531 A3 3532 A3 3533 A3 3534 A4 3535 A4 3537 A3 3538 A4 3539 A3 3548 A2 3549 A4 3550 A8 3551 A8 3552 A8 3553 A8 3554 A3 3555 A4 3561 A2 3562 A2 3563 A2 3564 A2 3565 A2 3566 A2 3567 A2 3568 A4 3569 A3 3590 A5 3591 A5...

Page 59: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts 59 FM242 AA 7 Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 1 Bottom Side CL 26532038_51a eps 020402 ...

Page 60: ...60 FM242 AA 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 2 Bottom Side CL 26532038_51b eps 020402 ...

Page 61: ...Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts 61 FM242 AA 7 Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 3 Bottom Side CL 26532038_51c eps 020402 ...

Page 62: ...62 FM242 AA 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout SCAVIO Panel Part 4 Bottom Side CL 26532038_51d eps 020402 ...

Page 63: ...00R 3903 F945 F914 I935 I927 BZM55 C33 I924 6914 BZM55 C33 6913 14 7 3 100n 2901 13 12 14 7 7910 A 74HCT125D 2 1 5900 100MHZ 74HCT14D 7900 F BZM55 C33 6912 BZM55 C33 6911 6915 3916 100R BZM55 C33 I921 2908 100n I908 BZM55 C33 6922 100R 3924 7 8 9 3907 100R 16 17 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 4 5 6 748390 0371 I954 6907 BZM55 C33 I925 3927 4K7 I913 3900 75R 3999 F905 4911 3919 100R 6921 BZM55 C33 6918 BZ...

Page 64: ...64 FM242 AA 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts Layout VGA Connector Panel Top Side 0318 A2 0371 A1 0372 A2 0374 A2 CL 26532038_053 eps 150402 ...

Page 65: ... A2 3911 A2 3912 A2 3913 A1 3914 A2 3915 A1 3916 A1 3917 A1 3918 A1 3919 A1 3920 A1 3921 A1 3922 A1 3923 A1 3924 A1 3925 A1 3926 A1 3927 A2 3928 A2 3929 A1 3930 A1 3934 A1 3935 A1 3937 A2 3938 A2 3939 A1 3940 A1 3999 A1 4910 A1 4911 A1 5900 A2 5901 A1 6900 A2 6901 A2 6902 A2 6903 A2 6904 A2 6905 A1 6906 A2 6907 A2 6908 A2 6909 A2 6910 A2 6911 A2 6912 A1 6913 A1 6914 A1 6915 A1 6916 A1 6918 A1 6920...

Page 66: ...66 FM242 AA 7 Electrical Diagrams and PWB Layouts Personal Notes Personal Notes ...

Page 67: ...y 20 minutes Measure the voltages and waveforms in relation to chassis ground with the exception of the voltages on the primary side of the power supply Never use the cooling fins plates as ground Test probe Ri 10 MΩ Ci 2 5 pF Use an isolated trimmer screwdriver to perform the alignments Use a VGA generator or a Personal Computer contact your National Service Organisation for the necessary test pa...

Page 68: ...lasma display Colour temperature Select the appropriate colour temperature for the alignments see also White point adjustment below White Point Table 8 3 SAM Menu Scaler White Point Method 1 with colour analyser 1 Supply via an external VGA source e g a PC with 1024x768 mode or a VGA generator a White Drive test pattern ask your NSO This picture consists of a black picture with in the middle a 100...

Page 69: ... until the transients of the colour part and black and white part of the test pattern are at the same position Fixed value is 4 Lum delay SECAM Apply a SECAM colour bar grey scale pattern as a test signal Adjust value until the transients of the colour part and black and white part of the test pattern are at the same position Fixed value is 4 Lum delay NTSC Apply a NTSC colour bar grey scale patte...

Page 70: Audio Amplifier RC LED Switch Panel 3D Comb PW PixelWorks PW164_10R or 10RK Video Scaling Co processor OTC Main Processor SAA5801H xx LVDS Encoder DS90C385 Flash ROM 2Mbyte NVM 32Kbit ADC TMDS Decoder AD9887 Y G Pb B Pr R H V Sync decoder NVM DDC NVM DDC EPLD EP1K30QC PDP Digital Video Decoder SAA7118 De interlacer SDA9400 MSP Audio Processor MSP3415G Audio Delay 32KSRAM CY7C1399 Flash ROM 2Mby...

Page 71: the monitor can be controlled via the Remote Control or via the RS232C port DDC1 2B Digital Data Channel an I2 C based protocol is implemented with separate identification NVMs for the two VGA inputs and the DVI D input as well In addition the RS232C port can be used for software download to the PW and the OTC The target for downloading is controlled via a switch in the RS232C path the switch i...

Page 72: ...4 Control 9 4 1 Supply See figure Power Supply Part in paragraph 9 1 5 even opletten dat hij goed verwijst 9 4 2 Video Processing Diagrams SC3 4 5 6 10 11 and 12 Introduction Figure 9 3 Video path This mainly consists of a small analogue processing part and a larger digital signal processing part The video inputs like CVBS YC High Definition RGB or YUV 1fH and 2fH VGA and DVI D are received and pr...

Page 73: RGB matrix and 2fH Video Sync Switch are explained above in the Analogue Video part 2 The Digital Video path containing the Digital Video Decoder and the De interlacer 3 The Digital Graphics path containing the ADC TMDS decoder 4 The Scaler which is the PixelWorks PW164 10R plus Memory 5 The EPLD for sync decoding and video manipulation 6 The LVDS encoder The Digital Graphics Path This is a str...

Page 74: ...during start up the EPLD will keep the LVDS transmitter in reset Receiver box mode detection For loop through mode a second FTV monitor connected to the output of the first monitor a secondary detection is needed to check the presence of an Receiver or E box ATSC sync detection decoding Core for proper sync decoding for ATSC sources Contrast reserve This function can increase the gain of the video...

Page 75: its latest position after the set has been switched off or to standby There is only one H and one V shift value for the anti ageing process that is applicable for the AV1 AV2 and AV3 inputs Note Horizontal shift cannot be done for sources that are screen filling and do not have sufficient overscan Vertical V shift is done in the F21R Receiver box when the TV mode is active or in the enhanced co...

Page 76: ...ted as I2S_DATA_OUT to the audio delay circuit and depending on the selected delay returned as I2S_DATA_IN1 or I2S_DATA_IN2 resulting in AUDIO_L R_OUT Anti plop Mute In several cases it is necessary to mute the sound output This muting is handled by the MSP sound processor or by the Receiver box in case of TV mode In Monitor mode During switch on off of the monitor During source change During vide...

Page 77: ...ip will make the RESET signal high During power up this signal will be held high until 240 ms after VCC has become stable During power down the system will be reset as soon as the VCC drops below 3 08 V Start up from Standby When the monitor is in standby mode it can wake up in several ways When an RC command is received RC_IN Detection of H and or V sync on VGA1 Detection of UART communication on...

Page 78: ...De interlacer SDA9400 Enhanced version only ADC TMDS receiver AD9887 3D Comb filter MN8783LSI optional I2 C bus 4 is a 5 V device bus only connected to the NVM to avoid data corruption Notes The PDP and EPLD are in fact 3 3 V bus devices but they need to be connected to bus 1 since the OTC is the first controller to be fully operating at start up For this reason an I2C level shifter items 7675 76 ...

Page 79: ...rocessor of the monitor indicating the functionality of the monitor to drive the LED on the ICONN Box LD_ICN Control signal from the ICONN Box to drive the green LED on the monitor 9 5 Audio Amplifier Panel Diagram A 9 5 1 Introduction Figure 9 7 Blockdiagram Audio Amplifier This panel houses the audio filters and amplifiers necessary for driving the speakers The differential audio inputs for comm...

Page 80: ...rge output filter that drives up cost and size The main reason for this filter is that the switching waveform results in maximum current flow This causes more loss in the load which causes lower efficiency An LC filter with a cut off frequency less than the Class D switching frequency 350 kHz allows the switching current to flow through the filter instead of the load The filter is less lossy than ...

Page 81: ...ry digital to analogue conversions 9 8 Abbreviation list ADC Analogue to Digital Converter AM Amplitude Modulation AP Asia Pacific AV External Audio Video B G Monochrome TV system Sound carrier distance is 5 5 MHz BGA Ball Grid Array BTSC Broadcast Television Standard Committee Multiplex FM stereo sound system originating from the USA and used e g in LATAM and AP NTSC countries ComPair Computer ai...

Page 82: ... video scaling co processor PWM Pulse Width Modulation RAM Random Access Memory RC Remote Control handset RC5 Remote Control system 5 signal from the remote control receiver RGB Red Green Blue ROM Read Only Memory SCART Syndicat des Constructeurs d Appareils Radiorecepteurs et Televisieurs SCAVIO Scaler Control Audio Video Input and Output SCL Serial Clock I2C SDA Serial Data I2C SDI Samsung Displ...

Page 83: ...3 2760 5322 124 41945 22µF 20 35V 2770 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2771 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2780 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2781 5322 126 11578 1nF 10 50V 0603 2799 5322 126 11583 10nF 10 50V 0603 3201 4822 051 30221 220Ω 5 0 062W 3202 4822 051 30102 1k 5 0 062W 3203 4822 051 30272 2k7 5 0 062W 3205 4822 051 30221 220Ω 5 0 062W 3206 4822 051 30102 1k 5 0 062W 3207 4822 051 30272 ...

Page 84: ...T1 A 63V 2410 1101 2422 128 02927 Switch push 2P 1105 2422 086 11092 Fuse F0 5A 50V 1206 1170 2422 086 11092 Fuse F0 5A 50V 1206 1171 2422 086 11013 Fuse F0 315A 32V 1206 1270 2422 086 11092 Fuse F0 5A 50V 1206 1415 2422 543 89022 Crystal 6MHz 20pF CX5F 1570 2422 543 01115 Crystal 24 576MHz 12P QS06 1575 2422 086 11092 Fuse F0 5A 50V 1206 1670 2422 086 10964 Fuse T0 630A 63V 2410 8320 3122 358 765...

Page 85: ...0 50V 0603 2515 2238 586 59812 100nF 80 20 50V 0603 2520 4822 124 23002 10µF 16V 2521 4822 124 23002 10µF 16V 2522 4822 124 23002 10µF 16V 2523 4822 124 23002 10µF 16V 2524 4822 124 23002 10µF 16V 2530 5322 124 41945 22µF 20 35V 2531 2238 586 59812 100nF 80 20 50V 0603 2533 2238 586 59812 100nF 80 20 50V 0603 2534 2238 586 59812 100nF 80 20 50V 0603 2535 2238 586 59812 100nF 80 20 50V 0603 2537 22...

Page 86: ...1k8 1 0 063W 0603 3103 5322 117 13047 330Ω 1 0 063W 0603 3104 5322 117 13042 3K9 1 0 063W 0603 3105 5322 117 13036 1k2 1 0 063W 0603 3106 5322 117 13036 1k2 1 0 063W 0603 3107 5322 117 13042 3K9 1 0 063W 0603 3108 5322 117 13037 2K2 1 0 063W 0603 3109 5322 117 13036 1k2 1 0 063W 0603 3110 5322 117 13036 1k2 1 0 063W 0603 3111 5322 117 13037 2K2 1 0 063W 0603 3112 4822 051 30271 270Ω 5 0 062W 3113 ...

Page 87: ...3518 4822 117 13632 100k 1 0603 0 62W 3519 4822 051 30222 2k2 5 0 062W 3520 4822 051 30222 2k2 5 0 062W 3530 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3531 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3532 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3536 5322 117 13037 2K2 1 0 063W 0603 3540 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3541 4822 051 30101 100Ω 5 0 062W 3545 4822 051 30008 Jumper 0603 3547 4822 051 30102 1k 5 0 062W 3548 4822 051 30102 1k 5...

Page 88: ...at100MHz0603 5161 2422 549 43062 Bead600Ωat100MHz0603 5162 2422 549 43062 Bead600Ωat100MHz0603 5164 2422 549 43062 Bead600Ωat100MHz0603 5166 2422 549 43769 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5170 2422 549 43769 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5175 2422 549 43062 Bead600Ωat100MHz0603 5180 2422 549 43062 Bead600Ωat100MHz0603 5196 2422 549 43062 Bead600Ωat100MHz0603 5197 2422 549 43769 Bead 30Ω at 100MHz 5198 2422 549 43062 Bead...

Page 89: ...16406 TL431ACD 7641 9322 157 95668 STD16NE06L 7655 9322 141 53682 EPC2LC20 7656 9322 186 23671 EP1K50FC256 3 7670 9322 159 45668 DS90C385MTD 7675 9340 560 36235 BSH111 7676 9340 560 36235 BSH111 7714 4822 209 30095 LM833D 7718 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7734 4822 209 30095 LM833D 7754 4822 209 30095 LM833D 7798 9322 116 87668 TEA6422D 7800 4822 209 60792 74HC4053D 7801 3198 010 42310 BC847BW 7802 3198...

Page 90: ...Revision List EN 90 FM242 AA 11 11 Revision List First release ...
