DPM 9400 - User Manual
6. When you are finished and do not want to make any further changes to the dictation, press the L/P button
(End-of-Letter and Priority) to mark the current dictation as finished (EOL symbol: ). Finishing a dictation via
the L/P button is also possible in Record Standby mode.
The file is closed and a new, empty file is automatically generated. The file number is increased by one.
Recording - DPM 9400/52
DPM 9400/52 enables you to create high-quality digital recordings. To make a recording with DPM 9400/52, do
the following:
1. Move the 4-Position Switch to the REC (Record) position and start dictating.
Speak clearly and keep a distance of approximately 4 inches (ten centimeters) between your mouth and the
While DPM 9400/52 is in Recording mode, the Record LED shines permanently red (if Overwrite mode).
Depending on the setting for the recording mode, the LED can be either red or green. In Overwrite
mode the LED is red; Overwrite is the default setting for the recording mode. In Insert mode, the LED is green.
In Recording mode, the following buttons are not available: L/P, INS/OVR, DEL, REC
2. Move the 4-Position Switch to the STOP (Stop) position to stop recording.
The Record LED goes out.
3. To continue recording, move the 4-Position Switch to the REC (Record) position again.
4. When you are finished and do not want to make any further changes to the dictation, press the L/P button to
mark the current dictation as finished (EOL symbol: ).
The file is closed and a new, empty file is automatically generated. The file number is increased by one.
Finishing a dictation (EOL and Priority)
The L/P button on the DPM has two functions: marking a dictation as finished (EOL function, End-of-Letter) and
assigning priority to a dictation (Priority function). The L/P button is only operational if the 4-Position Switch is in
the Stop position and recording has been done in the file.
The dictation is marked as finished (EOL, End-of-Letter).
The dictation has been assigned priority.
Finishing a dictation via the L/P button is also possible in Record Standby mode.
The functions of the L/P button are as follows:
If you press the L/P button once, the current file is marked as finished (EOL attribute). The file is closed and a
new, empty file is created.
If you press the L/P button twice within half a second, the current file is marked as finished (EOL attribute) and
assigned the Priority status. This also closes the current file and creates a new, empty file.