92 Meridian 2
There is OSD showing “SmartImage Lite & SmartResponse Demonstration” in left frame and “Original
Image” in right frame.
The OSD word color is white with transparent background.
The demo profile will be “Video Playback” profile with “High” ODC setting.
The current SmartContrast value also is shown on the bottom of the screen.
C. Hot keys to trigger:
Press [SmartImage] 3 seconds or more to trigger the demo mode.
When the demo mode is ON, press [SmartImage] 3 seconds or more to turn off the demo mode.
When the demo mode is enabled, the blue LED will flash until demo mode disabled.
3.15 Perfect Tune
A. PerfectTune must be done after warming 30 minutes at least.
B. PerfectTune must be performed after Auto Color.
C. PerfectTune must be conducted through DVI or scaler embedded patterns.
D. Delta E < 2.5
4. Visual Characteristics
4.1 Test conditions
Unless otherwise specified, this specification is defined under the following conditions.
1) Input signal: As defined in 3.3, 1600 x 900 non-interlaced mode (1600 x 900 @60Hz TBC MHz), signal
sources must have 75 ohm output impedance.
2) Luminance setting: controls to be set to 300 nits with full screen 100 % duty cycle white signal
3) Warm up: more than 30 minutes after power on with signal supplied.
4) Ambient light: 400 -- 600 lux.
5) Ambient temperature: 20 ± 5
4.2 Brightness
Follow Panel specification.
4.3 Image size
Actual display size 337.920 mm x 270.336 mm
4.4 Brightness Uniformity
Set contrast at 100% and turn the brightness to get average above 250 nits at centre of the screen.
Apply the Fig 1; it should comply with the following formula:
( B_max - B_min )
X 100% > 75%
Where B_max = Maximum brightness
B_min = Minimum brightness
4.5 Check Cross talk (s)
Apply Pattern 2. Set contrast and brightness at 100 %.
Measure YA. Then output Pattern 3 and measure YB.
The cross talk value: