6.8 Telnet Control
Before attempting to use the telnet control, please ensure that both
the Matrix (via the 'LAN /CONTROL' port) and the PC/Laptop are
connected to the active networks.
To access the telnet control in Windows 7, click on the 'Start' menu
and type "cmd" in the Search fi eld then press enter.
Under Windows XP go to the 'Start' menu and click on "Run", type
"cmd" with then press enter.
Under Mac OS X, go to Go→Applications→Utilities→Terminal
See below for reference.
Once in the command line interface (CLI) type "telnet", then the IP
address of the unit and "23", then hit enter.
Note: The IP address of the Matrix can be displayed on the device's
LCM monitor by pressing the Menu button twice.
This will bring us into the device which we wish to control. Type "HELP"
to list the available commands.
Type “IPCONFIG” To show all IP confi gurations. To reset the IP,
type “RSTIP” and to use a set static IP, type ”SETIP” (For a full list of
commands, see Section 6.7).
Note: Any commands will not be executed unless followed by a
carriage return. Commands are case-insensitive. If the IP is changed
then the IP Address required for Telnet access will also change