When the user controls the matrix from the display location via remote control, the matrix IR
OUTPUT follows the HDMI video input source. This mean that discrete IR is passed from the IR
(RX) receiver connected to the HDBaseT™ display receiver, down the cat cable to the matrix
and outputted through the IR output ports which are matched to the corresponding video source
The ALL output port passes all IR commands received by any of the IR (RX) receivers connected
to HDBaseT™ display receiver baluns.
Please note that the local HDMI A & B ports of the matrix have no IR control. IR INPUT 1 &
2 also has no function.
Control for HDMI A/B output will need to be done at the matrix via one of 3 methods:
Local control at the Matrix: Point the remote control at the front panel of the matrix
Extend IR control: Insert the 3.5mm IR (RX) receiver cable into the IR EXT port of the Matrix
From a 3rd party Control System: via IP, RS232 or IR
Note: Source control will need to be done directly from the sources, by a 3rd party control system
or IR routing system
IR control from a 3rd party control system
IMPORTANT: PhD Solutions Infrared matrices and extenders are all 5v and are NOT compatible
with most alternative manufacturers Infrared solutions. When using third party 12v IR control
solutions please use the optional PHD-OPTOCABLE-E Opto-isolated cable for IR conversion,
these are available as an optional accessory from your dealer.
From the control system’s IR output port plug in the 3.5mm Mono end of the Opto-isolated cable
(Part no. Phd- OPTOCABLE-E) Insert the 3.5mm stereo end into the required IR INPUT port at
the rear of the matrix.
At the display connect the HDBaseT™ display receiver extender balun to the matrix HDBaseT™
C,D,E,F,G&H ports with a suitable CAT cable. Insert the 3.5mm IR (TX) emitter/blaster cables into
the IR OUT port of HDBaseT™ display receiver. Place the IR (TX) emitter/blaster over the IR window
of the display you wish to control.
The matrix IR INPUT port passes through IR to the HDMI video output display. This means that
discrete IR is passed from the 3rd party control system to the matrix IR INPUT Port, down the cat
cable to the HDBaseT™ display receiver and out the IR(TX) emitter/blaster to the display.