Utility stitches and practical sewing
What is an overlock stitch?
For elastic and knitted materials, the
hobby models 1032 and 1042 offer over-
lock stitches which sew two fabric layers
together and serge simultaneously. They
are more elastic than normal seams, very
durable and easy and fast to sew.
We recommend using blind stitch
foot no. 3 when sewing overlock seams.
It guides particularly well and prevents
the seam puckering even on wide
Stitch H stretch
(models 1032 and 1042)
Open overlock stitch
With this stitch, thicker materials and
fabrics which do not fray strongly can be
sewn together perfectly.
Ensure that the needle sews the
right hand stitch just next to the mate-
rial and not in it.
Stitch J stretch
(models 1032 and 1042)
Closed overlock stitch
With this stitch you can sew jersey fabrics
perfectly. You can also sew on sleeve
cuffs and knit collars.
Ensure that the sleeve cuff is
stretched while it is being sewn.