Utility stitches and practical sewing
Elastic stitch
Stitch E
Because of its high elasticity, this stitch is
used for sewing on elastic band, e.g. on
underwear; skirt, trouser and dress waist-
bands; and cuffs.
• If replacing elastic, cut off old elastic
close to its edge.
• If needed, gather the fabric edge with
the 4 mm long straight stitch (c.f. page
• Divide fabric and elastic into quarters
and mark. You may
nd it easier to han-
dle if you pin the elastic to the fabric at
the matching marks.
• Stretch the elastic to
t the fabric,
matching marks as you sew.
• Overlap the ends slightly and secure
with the elastic stitch.
• On skirts and pants (trousers) the
elastic is sewn onto the prepared edge
with the elastic stitch.
Honeycomb stitch
models 1032 and 1042 E stretch
The honeycomb stitch is an elastic and
decorative hem which is very suitable for
underwear and T-shirts.
• Fold the seam or hem edge over twice
and overstitch with the honeycomb