The air bags do not operate
when the ignition is switched off.
This equipment will only operate
once. If a second impact occurs
(during the same or a subsequent
accident), the air bag will not operate.
Front air bags
System which protects the head and
chest of the driver and front passenger
in the event of a front impact.
The driver’s air bag is incorporated in the
centre of the steering wheel; the front
passenger’s air bag is incorporated in
the fascia above the glove box.
The air bags are triggered simultaneously,
unless the passenger’s front air bag is
disarmed, in the event of a serious front
impact applied to all or part of the front im-
pact zone
, in the longitudinal centreline
of the vehicle on a horizontal plane and
directed from the front to the rear of the
The front air bag infl ates between the front
occupant of the vehicle and the fascia to
cushion his forward movement.
Impact detection zones
Front impact zone.
Side impact zone.
Triggering of the air bag(s) is ac-
companied by a slight emission of
harmless smoke and a noise, due to
the activation of the pyrotechnic car-
tridge incorporated in the system.
This smoke is not harmful, but sen-
sitive individuals may experience
slight irritation.
The noise of the detonation may
result in a slight loss of hearing for
a short time.
System designed to maximise the safety
of the occupants (with the exception of
the rear centre passenger) in the event
of violent collisions. It supplements the
action of the force-limiting seat belts.
If a collision occurs, the electronic de-
tectors record and analyse the front and
side impacts sustained in the impact
detection zones:
in the case of a serious impact, the
air bags are triggered instantly and
protect the occupants of the vehicle
(with the exception of the rear centre
passenger); immediately after the
impact, the air bags defl ate rapidly
so that they do not hinder visibility or
the exit of the occupants,
in the case of a minor or rear impact
or in certain roll-over conditions, the
air bags will not be triggered; the
seat belt alone is suffi cient to pro-
vide optimum protection in these