réf. : D14600-H
Parts list
(1) moving side-piece, (2) cam, (3) axle, (4) handle,
(5) fi xed side-piece : Principal materials : aluminium alloy
(side-pieces), stainless steel (cam)
Inspection, points to verify
Check the following before each use : the fi xed and
moving side-pieces, the friction components (cam
groove), the locking components (axle), the operation
of the springs in the cam and handle. Finish with an
operational check (see diagram 2). If there is any doubt
about the condition of the device, return it to PETZL for
Instructions for use
This product is a belay device for the leader or second
on a rope. It has been developed for indoor wall climbing
or for climbing on well-protected sport routes where
anchors meet the UIAA standard. It should not be used
for mountaineering or adventure climbing. It is designed
to be used with a UIAA dynamic single rope, 10-11 mm
in diameter (9.7 mm is acceptable). However, extreme
caution should be exercised if using a rope that is less
than 10 mm in diameter because the human hand cannot
effectively grip a thin rope, particularly while rapelling
or lowering. The use of static or semi-static ropes is
limited to rappelling and top-roping. This device can help
eliminate some potential belaying errors, but not all of
them. The user must receive specifi c training and always
remain alert.
Diagram 1. Installation of the rope
The rope must be inserted as indicated by the diagrams
engraved on the device. The GRIGRI is then closed and
secured with a locking carabiner.
Diagram 2. Test and functioning
An operational check must always be carried out before
each use to ensure correct rope installation and to verify
that the device is functioning properly. The rope on the
climber’s side should jam when it is given a sharp tug or
pull. The tension on the rope makes the cam pivot on its
axis and clamp down on the rope. When the tension on
the rope is released, the cam returns to its initial position.
Be careful to avoid getting dirt or sand in the device as
well as any lubricant on the surfaces which come in direct
contact with the rope.
Diagram 3. Belaying the Leader
It is essential for the belayer to be securely anchored
before belaying a fellow climber. The belayer attaches the
device directly to his/her harness with a locking carabiner.
Acting as a counterweight, the belayer helps absorb the
shock from a fall by the leader.
3A. Feeding out rope
The belayer holds the free end of the rope with one hand
and the rope from the climber with the other. To facilitate
giving slack, push the rope into the device with the hand
holding the free end, while pulling out with the hand
holding the climber’s side.
Arresting a Fall
To effectively arrest a fall, pull the free end of the rope
fi rmly downwards.
3B. To feed out rope rapidly
At certain times, in particular when the leader is clipping
the rope, it may be diffi cult for the belayer to give slack
quickly enough for the climber. To overcome this, slide
the hand holding the free end up the rope to the device
and manually hold the cam open, while pulling the
climber’s rope through with the other hand. The hand
blocking the cam must then immediately return to grip
the free end of the rope. Caution : to ensure safety, this
procedure must only be used on a limited basis and must
be executed quickly. There is a risk for the belayer’s hand
to be clenched on the GRIGRI at the exact moment of a
partner’s fall, which results in him/her losing control of
the free end of the rope.
3C. Braking, locking and unlocking:
(a) When the device is subjected to a quick, sharp tug, it
clamps down on the rope.
(b) A signifi cant fall may result in the complete locking
of the device. To unlock in this instance, pull the handle
fi rmly. Caution : when unlocking the device, the free end
of the rope must always be held fi rmly.
3D. Precautions to take
- Ensure the safety of the belayer : it is absolutely
essential that belayers are themselves anchored, to
eliminate the risks of falls of themselves or their partner.
- Light falls or lightweight climbers : multiple friction
points on a long run-out will limit the shock-force
transmitted to the device. In addition, the weight of a
light climber or the load of a sliding fall may not exert
suffi cient tension on the rope and the locking action of the
device may therefore be compromised or delayed. For this
reason, always maintain a tight grip on the free end of the
rope. Caution : Hold only one end of the rope with each
hand. By holding both ends together in one hand, as is
often done with a fi gure 8 or Munter hitch, the hand’s
pressure on the device may impede its proper function
and thus delay or prevent the braking action on the rope.
Caution : the device must be able to operate freely at
all times. Its operation must never be impeded by any
obstacle (fi rst quickdraw, for example)
Diagram 4. Lowering through top anchor
To lower a partner without effort, the GRIGRI remains in
place on your harness as in belaying the leader. Grip the
free end of the rope fi rmly then use the handle to unlock
the rope. Braking is effected by loosening or tightening
the grip of the hand on the free end of the rope. The
handle can assist in braking, but in no case can it replace
the braking action of the hand gripping the free end of
the rope.
Diagram 5. Belaying the Second
In this case, the length of the fall is much more limited.
Attach the device either to the anchor or to your harness.
Caution: the device’s operation must not be impeded by
contact with the cliff. It must not be jammed into a crack
or positioned with the cam against the rock or other
object. In any of these cases, it will not function properly.
Diagram 6. Lowering from a fi xed anchor-point
The free end of the rope must pass through a carabiner
for extra braking friction. Hold this free end and push the
handle upwards.
Braking is effected by loosening or tightening the grip of
the hand on the free end of the rope.
7. Hauling
This device can replace a pulley-ascender combination,
but generates more friction.
8. Rappeling
This device provides maximum security for rappels up
to 50 m. Longer descents are not advised (risk of device
Rope insertion is done in the same manner : put the fi xed
end of the rope on the climber’s side as engraved on the
- The GRIGRI is an autolock, but for maximum safety,
when holding the handle, you must never let go of the
free end of the rope. To descend, fi rst take a fi rm grip on
the free end of the rope. Then, pull gently on the handle
to free the rope. Braking and descent control are effected
by loosening or tightening the grip of one hand on the
free end of the rope. In order to stop, simply release the
- For additional braking, pass the free end of the rope
through a braking carabiner.
- To rappel on one rope and recover it afterwards, see the
Caution : descend on the correct rope or there is danger
of death!
Do not forget to tie a stopper knot in the correct end of
the rope before you descend.