keys to select the desired profile. Press ENTER again to confirm the selection. Press REC to
start recording. Pressing REC a second time will interrupt the recording. If a profile with a
predetermined recording time has been chosen, the recording will stop automatically when
this time interval has elapsed.
Usually, the D500X is used in the automatic recording mode and to test this mode, select e.g.
“Profile 2”. At least one timer has to be enabled in order for this mode to work so if this has
not already been done press F1 and “3 – TIMERS” to do so. Please refer to the section
“Changing the settings” for more information on this. When the REC key is pressed the Input
Gain/Trig Level/Interval settings screen is shown to enable adjustment of these settings prior
to start recording. Once again, the Input Gain should be adjusted to keep the dB indicator
below its maximum reading. The Trigger Level should be set to make the detector trigger
(start recording) at the desired signal level. As an aid to do that, “*” flashes on the row
labelled “TRIG LEV” each time the input signal level reaches or exceeds the trigger level.
The “Interval” settings determines the minimum time between successive recordings. This
can be used to avoid filling the card too fast in locations with very high activity. To accept the
settings, press ENTER and the detector will begin waiting for a signal. Each time a
sufficiently loud signal appears, a recording will be made. To save power and increase battery
life time, the detector is put in a low-power “sleep mode” while waiting for a signal (this is
possible only as long as no pre-trigger is used). To exit the automatic recording mode, press
the ON/OFF key briefly once while the detector is waiting and then press/hold the ON/OFF
key until the display indicates that the detector is awake.