Step 2: Aligning the bumps of the clip cover and housing.
F. Mounting the Antenna Clip on the Collar
The Following steps below display how to place the antenna clip on the collar.
Step 1: Placing the clip
housing on the Collar
Place the clip housing
on the inside of the collar as
shown in Figure 7.
Insert the clip cover into
one side of the clip housing
as shown in Figure 8 making
sure the bumps are aligned
Step 3: Close clip cover into clip housing and insert receiver antenna
Press the clip into the clip
housing as shown in Figure 9.
The result should be a snapping
or clicking sound. If this did not
occur, the clip cover was not
placed in correctly.
If the position is not
satisfactory, then the clip cover
can easily be removed from
the clip housing and moved to
another location. If the clip cover
and housing position is correct,
then press the clip cover into
the clip housing once again.
The result should be another
clicking or snapping sound,
firmly securing it to the collar.
Once the clip cover is
secured, insert the receiver
antenna clip. To remove the antenna clip from the collar, follow the directions
located on figure 9.
To remove the
antenna clip from
the collar, bend this
part of the clip
housing to the right
while lifting up on
the clip cover.
Clip cover
secured in
clip housing
Bump on clip cover
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Bump on clip housing
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