Alternate Techniques for Step 1
Indoor Transmitter:
Choose an indoor location that the
dog can approach, but must back up to leave, for example, a
corner behind a garbage pail or litter box, a closed door or gate.
This way your dog’s only choice is to back away after a Static
Correction. De
ne the Boundary with Flags and allow your pet
to “occasionally” run into the Flag line during normal activities.
Pay extra attention and frequently play with and reward your
pet during the training. You are ready to move outside to Step 2
when your pet generally avoids the Flag line and is comfortable
within 3-5 feet of it.
You can use the Tie-Out technique for dogs and
cats. Follow the instructions on the next page.
How to Set the Correction Level
1. Place the magnet on the Correction Level Key Ring next to
the Magnet Key Dot on the Receiver Collar (The Transmitter
also has a magnet to use in place of the Key Ring). The
SafeLight™ will come on.
2. Remove the magnet from the Key Dot. The number of
ashes indicates the current Correction
3. To increase the Correction Level, place the magnet next
to the Magnet Key Dot within 5 seconds of performing the
above step. The number of SafeLight™
ashes indicates
the new Correction Level. Performing this step while the
Receiver Collar is on Correction Level 10 will cause it to
reset to level 1.
During Training Sessions
Focus on playing, having fun, and giving treats.
your pet appears stressed after any Static Correction,
stop training and focus on play. Reward simple
commands with meat treats and attention. Avoid further
Static Corrections for the rest of the training session.
(Signs of stress include refusing meat treats, hanging
head down, tucking tail or not wagging it, lowering
ears, frantic movement, jumping on handler, excessive
panting, etc.)
Have fun for the last 5-10 minutes of each training
Play, stroke and practice commands in the yard.
Use meat treats to get your pet excited. Stay outside
during the session while your pet is thinking about the
Static Correction. Going inside may cause your pet to be
reluctant in the yard during the NEXT training session.
Pet Not Responding:
If your dog doesn’t seem to respond
after 10 or more Static Corrections at the Flags, check the
of the Receiver Collar. Ensure that the Contact Posts make
contact with your pet’s skin. Increase the Correction Level
only if necessary.
Any time you believe your containment system may
not be functioning properly, place your pet on a leash
and remove the Receiver Collar immediately. Follow
the Troubleshooting Guide and/or call your PetSafe
After Each Training Session
• Put your pet in a quiet room for 20-30 minutes.
• If you choose to remove the Receiver Collar, wait until
your pet comes out of the quiet room.
• Do not act sympathetic or sad. Staying positive yourself
helps your pet stay positive.
Flag Removal
After you are satis
ed your pet’s training is complete,
remove every other Flag every 4 days until all Flags are
As you increase the Correction Level and
distractions, also increase meat treats and reward/play
time. Remember to remain playful and upbeat following
any Static Correction.
You are ready for Step 3 when your pet avoids the Flags
and distractions for at least 2 consecutive sessions and is
comfortable within 3-5 feet of the Flags.
Step 3: PROVE your pet’s commitment to avoiding
the Boundary.
Suggested Correction Level:
Your pet completely avoids the Flags and
remains comfortable within 3-5 feet of the Flags,
even with exciting distractions.
2 or more 15-20 minute sessions per day for 2
1. Adjust the Receiver Collar to the desired Correction
Level and place it on your pet.
2. Use a 12’-20’ leash.
3. Add new temptations and distractions like family,
friends and other pets walking away from the property
and continuing until they are out of sight. You can also
have family members or friends appear and stay outside
of the Boundary. Ask a child to ride a bike while pulling
a stuffed animal on a string. Training success depends
on the quality and quantity of distractions you provide.
Move to Step 4 when the strongest temptations do not
draw your pet out of the Pet Area for at least 3 consecutive
Step 4: SUPERVISE your pet in the yard for several
Suggested Correction Level:
Your pet completely avoids the Flags and
remains comfortable within 3-5 feet of the Flags,
even with exciting distractions, without a leash.
2 days of ongoing distractions as before, then 2
weeks of fully supervised sessions
1. Adjust the Receiver Collar to the desired Correction
Level and place it on your pet.
2. When you begin this stage, allow your pet to drag a
leash around on the ground. (If necessary, your pet will
be easier to catch with a dragging leash.)
3. Continue to provide distractions and temptations to
cross the Boundary and continue to reward your pet for
good choices.
4. When your pet has not felt any Static Corrections for 2
weeks, decrease supervision.