5.If the App asks for the loca;on permission of your mobile phones,
please allow it. Then the name of your Wi-Fi network will appear in the
textbox automa;cally.
Please note that the feeder does not support 5Ghz Wi-Fi networks,
only 2.4Ghz networks. Please check that the Wi-Fi name is the name of
a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network. If not, please switch the mobile phone's Wi-Fi
network to a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network.
Next, please enter the corresponding Wi-Fi password and click
Important NoCce:
a. Please choose a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi signal instead of a 5Ghz signal. The
feeder does not support 5Ghz Wi-Fi networks.
b. When entering the password, be aware that it is case sensi;ve.
c. Please choose a Wi-Fi network with WPA or WPA2 encryp;on
instead of WEP encryp;on.
d. Make sure that MAC address filtering and wireless device isola;on is
turned off on the wireless router.
e. The feeder may not support the Wi-Fi signal of the wireless
repeater. If the connec;on fails, try connec;ng to the wireless