Avoid static electricity risk when fueling. Ultra-
low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD fuel) poses a greater
static ignition hazard than earlier diesel formula-
tions with a higher sulfur contents. Avoid death
or serious injury from fire or explosion. Consult
with your fuel or fuel system supplier to ensure
the delivery system is in compliance with fueling
standards for proper grounding and bonding
Illustration 7
Use caution. Exhaust fumes can be hazardous to
health. If you operate the equipment in an enclosed
area, adequate ventilation is necessary.
Asbestos Information
Perkins equipment and replacement parts that are
shipped from Perkins engine company limited are
asbestos free. Perkins recommends the use of only
genuine Perkins replacement parts. Use the following
guidelines when you handle any replacement parts
that contain asbestos or when you handle asbestos
Use caution. Avoid inhaling dust that might be
generated when you handle components that contain
asbestos fibers. Inhaling this dust can be hazardous
to your health. The components that may contain
asbestos fibers are brake pads, brake bands, lining
material, clutch plates, and some gaskets. The
asbestos that is used in these components is usually
bound in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal
handling is not hazardous unless airborne dust that
contains asbestos is generated.
If dust that may contain asbestos is present, there
are several guidelines that should be followed:
• Never use compressed air for cleaning.
• Avoid brushing materials that contain asbestos.
• Avoid grinding materials that contain asbestos.
• Use a wet method to clean up asbestos materials.
• A vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a high
efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) can also be
• Use exhaust ventilation on permanent machining
• Wear an approved respirator if there is no other
way to control the dust.
• Comply with applicable rules and regulations for
the work place. In the United States, use
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) requirements. These OSHA requirements
can be found in “29 CFR 1910.1001”.
• Obey environmental regulations for the disposal of
• Stay away from areas that might have asbestos
particles in the air.
Dispose of Waste Properly
Illustration 8
Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
environment. Potentially harmful fluids should be
disposed of according to local regulations.