Set the two Outside Purlins against the outside edges
of the posts and fasten them to the beams using
four type (W) 5" Wood Screws per purlin.
Note: The screw goes down through the vinyl
and into the wood insert that
is inside the purlin.
Purlin Installation
Step 7
Apply PVC Glue along the inside edges
of the (2x6 Purlin End Caps), firmly
push and hold in place on end of purlins.
Apply 3/8" Vinyl Plugs after purlins are installed.
Spread out the rest of the purlin equally
inbetween the two outside purlins. Fasten
them using the same screws and bit as
specifed above.
One Purlin has holes along
thetop of the purlin to fasten
the shade slats, place this
purlin on the outside
6" Torx Drive Bit