Command reference
Legends for variables
4-6 characters in the preset data format
Baud rate [in bit/s]
1 character [ASCII], word start address in
the configuration area of the data carrier.
The following applies for IPC03:
01= Protection word
02= Control word
<WordNum> times 4 bytes in the preset data
When communicating a data block, the
bytes are transferred chronologically starting
with the highest value and ending with the
lowest value.
1 character [ASCII]
Character [ASCII] '05'
Length of the fix code in bytes
2 characters [ASCII]
1 character [ASCII]
'': command was executed without error.
'No tag': fault indication
2 characters in the preset data format
Value indicates the number of the data
carrier type.
3 characters in the preset data format
Interface timeout [in ms]. A fault indication is
issued when this time elapses. '000'
deactivates the timeout
4 characters [ASCII]
Block start address in the data carrier for the
relevant command. Range from '0000' to
'FFFF' depending on the data carrier type.
2 characters [ASCII]
Number of data blocks to read or write.
Range from '00' to 'FF' depending on the
data carrier type.