Pentium Third Serial Port Installation
CTC Parker Automation
To disconnect the cables, complete the following steps:
1. Press out the locking ears to disconnect the video and wide
ribbon cables.
The video cable connects at the top left corner of the card. The
wide ribbon cable connects very close to the other video cable.
2. Lift the locking ears to disconnect the serial cable from the top
center of the System Support card.
3. Disconnect the backlight cable (P6) by depressing the latch on
top of the connection and sliding the connector out.
4. Disconnect the touchscreen cable (P5) by depressing the latch
on top of the connection and sliding the connector out.
Remove the System Support Card
Once you have disconnected the cables from the System Support
card, you can remove the card. Use the illustration below to find
the components mentioned in the following steps.
To remove the System Support card, complete the following
1. Remove the tang screw from the System Support card tang.
Tang screw
System Support card