This electro-medical device (Video Processor) is intended to be used for endoscopic diagnosis and treatment.
Together, this Video Processor and Pentax video endoscope provide optical visualization of, and/or therapeutic access to, various body cavities,
organs and canals. Do not use this device for any purpose other than that for which it has been designed.
This device should only be used by physicians who have thoroughly studied all the characteristics of this device and who are familiar with the
proper techniques of endoscopy.
Read this manual before operating and keep this book for future reference.
This manual describes the recommended procedures for inspecting and preparing the EPK-700 Video Processor prior to its use and the care and
maintenance after its use. It does not describe how an actual procedure is to be performed, nor does it attempt to teach the beginner the proper
technique or any medical aspects regarding the use of the equipment. Failure to follow the instructions in this manual may result in damage to
and/or malfunction of the equipment.
Do not use this device for any other purpose than that for which it has been designed.
If you have any questions regarding any of the information in this manual or concerns pertaining to the safety and/or use of this equipment,
please contact your local Pentax representative.
Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of a physician or other appropriately licensed medical professional.
The CE mark guarantees that this product complies with the EU directive for safety requirements.
Das CE Zeichen garantiert, daß dieses Produkt die in der EU erforderlichen Sicherheitsbestimmungen erfüllt.
Le logo CE certifie que ce produit est conforme aux normes de sécurité prévues par la Communauté Européenne.
Il marchio Ce assicura che questo prodotto è conforme alle direttive CE relative alla sicurezza.
La marca CE asegura que este producto cumple todas las directivas de seguridad de la CE.
A marca CE garante que este produto cumpre todas as normas de segurança previstas pela Comunidade Europeia
CE-märkningen garanterar att denna produkt uppfyller EU-direktivens krav på säkerhet.
Het CE-teken garandeert dat dit product voldoet aan de binnen de EU vereiste veiligheidsbepalingen.
CE-merkintä on takeena siitä, että tämä tuote vastaa EU:ssa voimassa olevia ja direktiivin tarkoittamia turvallisu-
Το σήµα CE εγγυάται τι το προϊν αυτ πληροί τους κανονισµούς ασφαλείας που απαιτούνται στην ΕΕ.