10.1 ZONE jumper [59/65] (3000P, 3000M)
D0 D1 D2 D3 setting
immediate alarm in full and
part arm
delayed alarm
delayed alarm in full and part
Home mode
immediate alarm by full arm,
no alarm in part arm
* If the delay in the panel is not activated (delay = 0 seconds) a delayed
detector will give an immediate alarm.
Factory default: delayed alarm
All functions are described in chapter 7.
10.2 LED jumper [58] (3000P)
LED active (LED indicates a detection and low
LED deactivated
factory default: LED on
11. Installation
11.1 Panel 3000Z
Switch the power switch [19] to the OFF position.
If required connect any optional wired accessories (see chapter 16)
Switch the power switch to the ON position.
Close the cover [28] so that the cable protrudes through the top middle.
Wall mounting
Mark the position for the screw holes through the screw holes [26]
onto the wall.
Drill the fixing holes and insert the wall plugs [31].
Fix the bracket to the wall with the screws [30].
Hang the panel with the keyhole slots [17] over the bracket
Table use
Hang the panel over the with the keyhole slots [17] onto the stand.
Connect the mains adapter with the mains outlet.
When the panel is on the bracket or the stand the tamper switch [16] is
depressed. If the panel is moved when the stand is used it will not activate a
tamper alarm.
11.2 PIR-detector 3000P/30002
Mark the fixing positions on the wall through the fixing holes [51] of the
bracket [50].
Drill two holes and insert the wall plugs [55].
24 h
always alarm
Fix the bracket with screws [54] to the wall.
Press the ball joint [53] into the bracket.
Slide the bracket into the slot [44] on the back of the detector.
Position the detector such that it is vertical, not tilted, and with the
screwhole [48] on top.
11.3 Door/window contact 3000M
Remove the protective film from one side of the adhesive pads [63].
Attach the pads to the middle of the rear housing of the magnet [62]
and sensor [59].
Remove the foil from the other side of the pads.
Fix the magnet vertically on the window/doorframe directly next to the
window/door edge. Attach the sensor so that the arrows are level,
leaving a maximum gap of 10mm in closed condition (see Fig. E and G).
The contact will not operate on the hinged side.
If the window frame is thick, attatch the magnet to the edge of the frame to
ensure a maximum gap of 10mm (see Fig. H).
12. Operation
The factory default language for SMS is German. Change to English as
1. Send an SMS with text "5" to the panel SIM card.
2. The panel answers with following SMS:
onfirmation SMS will be sent from the panel:
erfolgreich gespeichert.
6. Send an SMS with the text "0001" to the SIM card of the panel.
7.The panel confirms with SMS:
Set English successfully.
Pressing of keys on the panel [4-10] is confirmed by a beep sound.
The arm status of the system is indicated by the illumination of the arm
key [4], similarly the part arm status by the part arm key [9] and the
diarmed status by the disarm key [10].
3. Using the function “Forward” (or “Edit” on older mobile phones) enter
into the SMS the required phone numbers (without any spaces) eg:
4.Forward the edited SMS to the panel SIM card.
5.A c