Step 10. Grasp two opposite staybolts; then
press the sleeve sideways with your thumbs
to loosen it from the base. Lift the sleeve off
the base.
Step 11. Lift the stack off the base.
Step 12. Remove the Allen screw that
secures the bottom bearing in the base.
Step 13. Use a bearing puller to remove the
bearing from the base.
Step 14. Remove the O-ring from the pump
base with a small screwdriver.
Step 15. Remove the four rubber stack
compression spacers from the pump head.
Step 1. Clamp the assembly fixture in the
vise and set the stack on it. Lift the shaft
enough to allow you to pin it with the locking
tool inserted in the “DISASSEMBLY”
hole in the fixture. Remove the strap nuts,
washers, and straps.
Step 2. Remove the top stage bowl from
the stack. NOTE: make a note of the order
of the stages as you remove them (see
Figure 8). You must preserve the order when
you reassemble the pump.
Step 3. Remove the impeller locknut; hold
the impeller with the wrench while you
remove the locknut, exposing the collet.
Step 4. With the large end of the collet
driver, tap the impeller down off the collet.
Remove the collet and impeller.
Step 5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 until you
have dismantled all stages of the pump.
Remove the bottom plate, remove the lock
pin, and retrieve the shaft from the fixture.