Pump and DE Element Filter System Installation and User’s Guide
Hair Entanglement –
When the hair tangles or knots in the drain cover, trapping
the swimmer underwater. This hazard is present when the flow rating of the cover
is too small for the pump or pumps.
Limb Entrapment –
When a limb is sucked or inserted into an opening resulting
in a mechanical bind or swelling. This hazard is present when a drain cover is
missing, broken, loose, cracked or not properly secured.
Body Entrapment –
When a portion of the body is held against the drain cover
trapping the swimmer underwater. This hazard is present when the drain cover is
missing, broken or the cover flow rating is not high enough for the pump or pumps.
Evisceration/Disembowelment –
When a person sits on an open pool
(particularly a child wading pool) or spa outlet and suction is applied directly to the
intestines, causing severe intestinal damage. This hazard is present when the
drain cover is missing, loose, cracked, or not properly secured.
Mechanical Entrapment –
When jewelry, swimsuit, hair decorations, finger, toe or
knuckle is caught in an opening of an outlet or drain cover. This hazard is present
when the drain cover is missing, broken, loose, cracked, or not properly secured.
Pool and spa pumps move large volumes of water, which can pose extreme danger
if a person’s hair comes in close proximity to a drain that is not the proper size for the
pump or pumps.