Kreepy Krauly
Installation and User’s Guide
Checking Operation
When operating correctly, the Kreepy Krauly
will travel in a random pattern
throughout the pool, vacuuming and sweeping the bottom. The climbing ability of the
Kreepy Krauly
is dependent on the pools structure and water fl ow coming
into the pool.
• It will perform more effi ciently in pools without sharp angles or curves in the
transition from the fl oor of the pool to the wall.
• Kreepy
comes with a Twist Lock Pressure Relief Valve (Wall
Fitting). If the Kreepy Krauly
is receiving too much water pressure, the
Relief Valve in the Wall Fitting will release the excess water pressure.
• Approximately every three minutes and 30 seconds the Kreepy Krauly
will go into a back-up mode.
• The Back-Up Valve cycle time, while in the back-up mode, is approximately 30
seconds and pulls the Kreepy Krauly
away from problem areas.
New Back-Up Valve Information
The Back-Up Valve Insert slides into the slot over the jet of the valve. This is secured
with a stainless steel screw as show in the diagram. The insert will be set from the
factory with the smaller (1/4”) hole over the opening of the jet. The smaller hole is
used for the Kreepy Krauly
cleaner. If you change the insert to the larger
(3/8”) hole, the Back-Up Valve will have decreased jet pressure and possibly not pull
the unit backwards.
If the Kreepy Krauly
does not travel to all areas of the pool, turn off the
booster pump and pool fi ltration pump and make the necessary adjustments using
the instructions in the next section.
Screws (2)
Back-Up Valve