Chapter 6 Assistant Tools
6.2.2 Chinese Characters
1. Click the [Simplied.Ch. -> En.] button on the left side window.
2. In the input field on the upper left corner, input a Chinese character or phrase, and then
press [Enter] key to see the English translation.
Tip: If the Chinese character you want to look up is Traditional Chinese, please select the [
Traditional Ch. -> En.] translation option.
6.2.3 English Chinese Sentence Translation
1. Click the [Sentence En. -> Ch.] button on the left side of the window.
2. In the upper input frame, input English sentences or an article, click the
button to
translate. The translation results are shown on the lower frame.
Tip: When you translate a whole article, make sure there’s a period mark at the end of
each sentence. It will increase the accuracy of translation.