#501272-001 -
Product Manual: PHQR Series Man-Rated Hoist
- Revision 02 - Date: 10-16-2018
Page 10
4.3 - General Safety
1. Read, understand and follow the User Manual and all safety signs before using, maintaining or inspecting the equip-
2. Refer to and follow applicable standards and regulations. Comply with requirements of local regulations for your
3. Establish an equipment-use training program for inexperienced employees. Only trained, competent persons shall
use the equipment. An untrained operator is not qualified to operate the system.
4. Have a first-aid kit available for use should the need arise and know how to use it.
5. Provide a fire extinguisher for use in case of an accident. Store in a highly visible place.
6. Install and properly secure all guards and shields before operating.
7. Wear appropriate protective gear. This list includes but is not limited to:
• A hard hat
• Protective shoes with slip resistant soles
• Heavy gloves
• Protective clothing
• Face Protection
8. Review and follow the Pre-Operation Checklist before using a component in the system or system itself.
9. Establish a regular maintenance and inspection program with your equipment and maintain detailed records.
10. Review safety related items and operating instructions with all personnel on a regular basis.
This Safety Alert symbol means
AtteNtION! BeCOme
Alert! yOur SAFety IS INVOlVeD!
The Safety Alert symbol identifies important safety messages
on your Pelsue Retrieval Product and in the manual. When
you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility of personal
injury or death. Follow the instruction in the safety mes-
Why is this symbol important to you?
3 BIG reasons:
Accidents Disable and Kill.
Accidents Cost you money.
Accidents Can Be Avoided.
4.2 - Safety Alert Symbol